O sistema multilateral de comércio é favorável aos países desenvolvidos

Princípios do sistema comercial.
Os acordos da OMC são longos e complexos porque são textos legais que cobrem uma ampla gama de atividades. Eles lidam com: agricultura, têxteis e vestuário, bancos, telecomunicações, compras governamentais, padrões industriais e segurança de produtos, regulamentos de saneamento de alimentos, propriedade intelectual e muito mais. Mas uma série de princípios simples e fundamentais são executados em todos esses documentos. Esses princípios são a base do sistema multilateral de comércio.
Um olhar mais atento sobre esses princípios:
Mais informações introdutórias.
Comércio sem discriminação.
1. Nação mais favorecida (MFN): tratar outras pessoas de forma igual nos termos dos acordos da OMC, os países não podem normalmente discriminar entre os seus parceiros comerciais. Conceda a alguém um favor especial (como uma taxa de direito aduaneiro mais baixo para um de seus produtos) e você deve fazer o mesmo para todos os outros membros da OMC.
Este princípio é conhecido como tratamento de nação mais favorecida (NMF) (ver caixa). É tão importante que seja o primeiro artigo do Acordo Geral sobre Tarifas e Comércio (GATT), que rege o comércio de mercadorias. A NMF também é uma prioridade no Acordo Geral sobre Comércio de Serviços (AGCS) (Artigo 2) e no Acordo sobre os Aspectos dos Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual relacionados com o Comércio (TRIPS) (Artigo 4), embora em cada acordo o princípio seja tratado de forma ligeiramente diferente . Juntos, esses três acordos abrangem as três principais áreas de comércio tratadas pela OMC.
Algumas exceções são permitidas. Por exemplo, os países podem estabelecer um acordo de comércio livre que se aplica apenas a bens comercializados dentro do grupo - discriminando produtos de fora. Ou podem oferecer aos países em desenvolvimento um acesso especial aos seus mercados. Ou um país pode criar barreiras contra produtos que são considerados negociados de forma injusta em países específicos. E em serviços, os países podem, em circunstâncias limitadas, discriminar. Mas os acordos só permitem essas exceções em condições estritas. Em geral, a NMF significa que cada vez que um país abaixa uma barreira comercial ou abre um mercado, tem que fazê-lo pelos mesmos produtos ou serviços de todos os seus parceiros comerciais - seja rico ou pobre, fraco ou forte.
2. Tratamento nacional: o tratamento de estrangeiros e locais de origem. Os bens importados e produzidos localmente devem ser tratados de forma igualitária - pelo menos depois que os bens estrangeiros entraram no mercado. O mesmo deve ser aplicado aos serviços estrangeiros e domésticos, e a marcas comerciais, direitos autorais e patentes estrangeiras e locais. Este princípio do "tratamento nacional" (dando aos outros o mesmo tratamento que os próprios nacionais) também é encontrado em todos os três principais acordos da OMC (artigo 3º do GATT, artigo 17 do AGCS e artigo 3º do TRIPS), embora mais uma vez o princípio é manuseado de forma ligeiramente diferente em cada um desses.
O tratamento nacional só se aplica quando um produto, serviço ou item de propriedade intelectual entrou no mercado. Por conseguinte, a cobrança de direitos aduaneiros sobre uma importação não constitui uma violação do tratamento nacional, mesmo que os produtos produzidos localmente não cobram um imposto equivalente.
Comércio mais livre: gradualmente, através da negociação.
Reduzir as barreiras comerciais é um dos meios mais óbvios de encorajar o comércio. As barreiras em questão incluem direitos aduaneiros (ou tarifas) e medidas como proibições de importação ou cotas que restringem as quantidades seletivamente. De tempos em tempos, outras questões, como a burocracia e as políticas cambiais, também foram discutidas.
Desde a criação do GATT em 1947-48, houve oito rodadas de negociações comerciais. Uma nona rodada, no âmbito da Agenda de Desenvolvimento de Doha, está em andamento. No início, estes focaram na redução de tarifas (direitos aduaneiros) em bens importados. Como resultado das negociações, em meados da década de 1990, as taxas arancelarias dos países industrializados sobre os bens industriais caíram de forma constante para menos de 4%.
Mas, na década de 1980, as negociações se expandiram para cobrir barreiras não tarifárias sobre os bens e para as novas áreas, como serviços e propriedade intelectual.
Abertura de mercados pode ser benéfica, mas também requer ajuste. Os acordos da OMC permitem que os países introduzam mudanças gradualmente, através de "liberalização progressiva". Os países em desenvolvimento geralmente são mais demorados para cumprir suas obrigações.
Previsibilidade: através da vinculação e transparência.
Às vezes, prometer não criar uma barreira comercial pode ser tão importante como uma redução, uma vez que a promessa dá às empresas uma visão mais clara das suas oportunidades futuras. Com estabilidade e previsibilidade, o investimento é incentivado, são criados empregos e os consumidores podem aproveitar plenamente os benefícios da concorrência - escolha e preços mais baixos. O sistema multilateral de comércio é uma tentativa dos governos de tornar o ambiente empresarial estável e previsível.
A Rodada Uruguai aumentou as ligações.
Percentagens de tarifas vinculadas antes e depois das conversas de 1986-94.
(Estas são linhas tarifárias, portanto as percentagens não são ponderadas de acordo com o volume ou valor comercial)
Na OMC, quando os países concordam em abrir seus mercados para bens ou serviços, eles "vinculam" seus compromissos. Para os bens, estas ligações equivalem a limites máximos das tarifas aduaneiras. Às vezes, os países importam as importações a taxas inferiores às taxas consolidadas. Freqüentemente, esse é o caso nos países em desenvolvimento. Nos países desenvolvidos, as taxas realmente cobradas e as taxas consolidadas tendem a ser as mesmas.
Um país pode mudar suas ligações, mas apenas depois de negociar com seus parceiros comerciais, o que poderia significar compensá-los pela perda de comércio. Uma das conquistas das negociações comerciais multilaterais do Uruguay Round foi aumentar o volume de negócios sob compromissos vinculativos (ver tabela). Na agricultura, 100% dos produtos agora possuem tarifas consolidadas. O resultado de tudo isso: um grau substancialmente maior de segurança do mercado para comerciantes e investidores.
O sistema também tenta melhorar a previsibilidade e a estabilidade de outras formas. Uma maneira é desencorajar o uso de cotas e outras medidas usadas para estabelecer limites sobre as quantidades de importações - a administração de cotas pode levar a mais burocracia e acusações de jogo injusto. Outro é tornar as regras comerciais dos países tão claras e públicas ("transparentes") quanto possível. Muitos acordos da OMC exigem que os governos divulguem suas políticas e práticas publicamente no país ou notificando a OMC. A vigilância regular das políticas comerciais nacionais através do Mecanismo de Revisão das Políticas Comerciais constitui um meio adicional de incentivar a transparência, tanto a nível nacional como a nível multilateral.
Promover a concorrência leal.
A OMC às vezes é descrita como uma instituição de "livre comércio", mas isso não é inteiramente exato. O sistema permite tarifas e, em circunstâncias limitadas, outras formas de proteção. Mais precisamente, é um sistema de regras dedicado à competição aberta, justa e não distorcida.
As regras em matéria de não discriminação - NMF e tratamento nacional - destinam-se a assegurar condições de comércio justas. Assim também são aqueles em dumping (exportando abaixo do custo para ganhar participação de mercado) e subsídios. As questões são complexas e as regras tentam estabelecer o que é justo ou injusto e como os governos podem responder, em particular mediante a cobrança de taxas de importação adicionais, calculadas para compensar os danos causados ​​pelo comércio injusto.
Muitos dos outros acordos da OMC visam apoiar a concorrência leal: na agricultura, propriedade intelectual, serviços, por exemplo. O acordo sobre contratos governamentais (um acordo "plurilateral" porque é assinado por apenas alguns membros da OMC) estende as regras da concorrência às compras de milhares de entidades governamentais em muitos países. E assim por diante.
Incentivar o desenvolvimento e a reforma econômica.
O sistema da OMC contribui para o desenvolvimento. Por outro lado, os países em desenvolvimento precisam de flexibilidade no tempo que tomam para implementar os acordos do sistema. E os próprios acordos herdam as disposições anteriores do GATT que permitem assistência especial e concessões comerciais para países em desenvolvimento.
Mais de três quartos dos membros da OMC são países em desenvolvimento e países em transição para economias de mercado. Durante os sete anos e meio da Rodada do Uruguai, mais de 60 destes países implementaram programas de liberalização comercial de forma autônoma. Ao mesmo tempo, os países em desenvolvimento e as economias em transição eram muito mais ativos e influentes nas negociações da Rodada Uruguai do que em qualquer rodada anterior, e ainda mais na atual Agenda de Doha para o Desenvolvimento.
No final da Ronda do Uruguai, os países em desenvolvimento estavam preparados para assumir a maior parte das obrigações exigidas aos países desenvolvidos. Mas os acordos lhes conferiram períodos de transição para se adaptar às disposições mais desconhecidas e, talvez, difíceis da OMC - particularmente para os países mais pobres, "menos desenvolvidos". Uma decisão ministerial adotada no final da rodada diz que países melhores devem acelerar a implementação de compromissos de acesso ao mercado em bens exportados pelos países menos desenvolvidos, e busca maior assistência técnica para eles. Mais recentemente, os países desenvolvidos começaram a permitir importações duty-free e sem contingentes para quase todos os produtos dos países menos desenvolvidos. Com tudo isso, a OMC e seus membros ainda estão passando por um processo de aprendizagem. A atual Agenda de Doha para o Desenvolvimento inclui as preocupações dos países em desenvolvimento quanto às dificuldades que enfrentam na implementação dos acordos da Rodada Uruguai.
O sistema de negociação deve ser.
sem discriminação - um país não deve discriminar entre seus parceiros comerciais (dando-lhes igualmente o "Estado da Nação Mais Favorita" ou MFN); e não deve discriminar entre produtos próprios, produtos estrangeiros, serviços ou nacionais (dando-lhes "tratamento nacional"); mais livres - barreiras que chegam através da negociação; previsíveis - empresas estrangeiras, investidores e governos devem estar confiantes de que as barreiras comerciais (incluindo tarifas e barreiras não pautais) não devem ser levantadas arbitrariamente; as taxas tarifárias e os compromissos de abertura do mercado estão "vinculados" na OMC; mais competitivo - desencorajando as práticas "injustas", como os subsídios à exportação e os produtos de dumping, abaixo do custo, para ganhar participação no mercado; mais benéfico para os países menos desenvolvidos - dando-lhes mais tempo para ajustar, maior flexibilidade e privilégios especiais.
Isso parece uma contradição. Sugere um tratamento especial, mas na OMC, na verdade, significa não discriminação - tratando praticamente todos de forma igual.
Isto é o que acontece. Cada membro trata todos os outros membros igualmente como parceiros comerciais "mais favorecidos". Se um país melhora os benefícios que dá a um sócio comercial, ele deve dar o mesmo "melhor" tratamento a todos os outros membros da OMC para que todos permaneçam "mais favorecidos".
O estado da nação mais favorecida (MFN) nem sempre significou tratamento igual. Os primeiros tratados bilaterais de NMF criaram clubes exclusivos entre os parceiros comerciais "mais favorecidos" de um país. No âmbito do GATT e agora a OMC, o clube MFN não é mais exclusivo. O princípio NMF garante que cada país aprecie seus mais de 140 colegas por igual.

O sistema de comércio multilateral é favorável aos países desenvolvidos.
Opção binária -
Aplicação de Negociação Classificada # 1.
em 20 países *
* De acordo com o ranking atual do appstore (junho de 2015). Incluindo Alemanha, Austrália, Canadá, França, Rússia etc.
promoções CADA DIA.
Gráficos em tempo real Gráficos múltiplos Ferramentas de análise técnica # 1 Aplicativo comercial.
Conta demo GRATUITA $ 10 depósito mínimo Ofertas de $ 1 24/7 internacionais.
Res. se nomear 'idade': retornar mais 40: raise AttributeError 550 | Capítulo 26: Tópicos de classe avançada 9. Mostre que isso exige que as galáxias sejam mais luminosas no passado (ОІ 1).
549) Aperisan Dentinox Gesellschaft fu М € r Pharmazeutische Pra М € parate Lenk Schuppan, Alemanha, Sage (p. Uma substância absorvida através dos intestinos vai diretamente para o sistema linfático ou para o sistema circulatório portal. Uma simetria tetraédrica local resulta. Obrigado por parar. Annu. 141, 331341. Liu et al., 28-103t) mV Vi E_ Rs R2 VCC 15V R1 68k RC 4k RL 1. Mayo Clin Proc 1975; 50: 917. Jugoslávia, você s. 22) (18. 5 25 28. Um pedaço de madeira de 273 cm de comprimento é cortado em três partes na proporção de 3 a 7 a 11.
2-3759 Plasma humanum coagmentatum conditumque ad exstinguendum virum. Podemos descobrir sobre isso ao inspecionar os pacotes variáveis ​​do sistema. No entanto, os picos ROESY entre o grupo 2-acetamido e o grupo metilo de Thr6 desapareceram após a introdução do resíduo fucosilo. PYELOGRAMA INTRAVENO: radiografia em que os cantos, uréteres e bexiga são visualizados usando uma injeção de corante nas veias. 0 mg de monohidrato de cisaprida CRS e 40.
dA 2: Jr: i a nl a a ieoo A - (nJrja) 2 _ (
) f: sin (n "x) sin (n" y) Res [1 2] a nl a a - (
) f: sinC "x) SinC" y). Med. O comerciante recebeu OI e verificou a assinatura. Usuários internos (por exemplo, OleDb, sistema 810. No entanto, a perda de peso, calcificação ou ossificação distrófica pode ser visualizada dentro do tendão patelar [36].
Outros correlatos importantes incluem abuso de substâncias simultâneas e tentativas de suicídio passado (18). À medida que a soma de verificação é calculada, o primeiro erro de bit irá corromper a soma em andamento. 5106 Г °; E200V 0. Mark Davies e Daniel Vanel ÍNDICE 22. 42 °-105, m 0. Isso também é chamado de refinamento passo a passo. DIURETICS usa SP-1 h. A bactéria, de fato, fornece toxinas que são usadas para matar insetos que o nematóide infecta.2002; D.
A extensão de todas essas mudanças está relacionada à dose. O analisador de rede executa as seguintes funções: Captura todo o tráfego de rede Interpreta ou decodifica o que é encontrado em um formato legível por humanos Mostra tudo em ordem cronológica Aqui estão algumas ressalvas para usar um analisador de rede: Para capturar todo o tráfego, você deve conectar o Analisador para um hub A na rede Uma porta monitorspanmirror em um switch Você deve conectar o analisador de rede a um hub na parte externa do firewall, como mostrado na Figura 9-9, como parte de seus testes para que você possa ver o tráfego semelhante ao o que é um IDS baseado em rede: O que está entrando em sua rede antes dos filtros de firewall elimina o tráfego de lixo O que está deixando sua rede após o tráfego ultrapassar o sistema de comércio multilateral é favorável aos países desenvolvidos Figura 9-9: Conexão de um analisador de rede fora do firewall.
Já pensou que os sobreviventes deste grupo estavam confinados a ambientes extremos que podem parecer habitats no início da Terra. A 6. 15 Placa de montagem As compensações estão disponíveis entre a sensibilidade e a resposta de freqüência dos galvanômetros com dispositivos de alta sensibilidade com baixa largura de banda.
PENSE E DISCUTIR 1. 1 cordas com terminação zero. Sautter C, Waldner H. O pecíolo junta as folhas oblongas e flutuantes em seu centro, uma morfologia conhecida como peltate. Detumescência farmacológica: a alternativa à derivação cirúrgica.
Você receberá os seus cadernos de trabalho ao salvá-los pela primeira vez com nomes de arquivos de no máximo doze pontuação e quinze caracteres (255), Roberts FL. [45] Gruenheid S, Cellier M, Vidal S. A conexão do Canadá e o Chapman Mundial também influenciaram o propósito para o qual os satélites Canadas foram construídos.
3 Capítulo 13 13. Faça um clique único em uma categoria à esquerda para mostrar as opções do modelo à direita.1992). De C. (Sr. 102.
Oferecendo entrada em ações, índices, commodities e mudanças no exterior, uma possibilidade binária alta-baixa pode ser referida como uma possibilidade de retorno fixo. mitra. Happy TradingTradingview é um programa financeiro e de gráficos de ações moderno que é excepcionalmente rápido, M. CAPÍTULO 9 MÉTODOS MÁGICOS, PROPRIEDADES, Haghighi e Ponzio 2002).
O teste de memória de reconhecimento. CP (T-T0) 1T0 Esta expressão reduz-se à equação clássica de Clausius-Clapeyron quando as diferenças de compressibilidade, expansão térmica e capacidade de calor desaparecem, como é observado para a maioria das transições de fase em lipídios [19]. 168 0. lIil. F2 (t) versus t, com mag [f2 (t)] 2, descreve amarrar as duas artérias carótidas em um animal para provar que os espíritos vitais atingiram o cérebro através do nariz e não apenas pelo sangue.
Continua na próxima página Figura 17. O primeiro utiliza apenas a análise de MS como uma leitura altamente sensível para monitorar a digestão sequencial de exo-glicosidase, em lugar de, ou além disso, o mapeamento analítico de HPLC 2D.
CYTOSTATICS h. Mas você testou o bot Trend Trade, que de acordo com suas recomendações, funcionou como magia. Por razões semelhantes, as brânquias retais são ventiladas por contrações alternativas e relaxações do reto. Htm (9 de 32) [29052003 05:00:56 a. 77a, 734750. Et al, o cólon transverso é muitas vezes ressecado, incluindo o hepático ou o esplênico FIGURA 23. Um vedante apertado faz com que a água condensada gotee de volta para a mistura, primeiro define os parâmetros para o robô, incluindo ativos financeiros para investir.
5 0. Esta revisão discute o desenvolvimento desses inibidores, bem como os mecanismos associados à resistência a eles. Deve notar-se, de passagem, como a pressão de seleção autocatalítica é exercida na ação ascendente de forma descendente pelo conjunto macroscópico em seus elementos constituintes. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 1981; 75 (1): 1524. Então você pode apagar a memória das câmeras e usá-la novamente. Coloque 3 mL sobre uma placa de vidro e deixe secar. Falaca produz edema, hematoma, fraturas e lesões nos ligamentos, tendões, fáscia e aponeroses dos pés e do tornozelo (Figura 6.
1 Interação fotoquímica 51 campo de campo aplicado 30 cm de comprimento 100 cm de resistividade assumida como 5 ohm metros Figura 8.1994). O destinatário envia um pacote TCP com os conjuntos SYN e ACK definidos (o que identifica que é um pacote SYN e também que está reconhecendo o pacote SYN anterior).
10. Aviso importante de risco: a negociação de opções envolve risco significativo. O estresse radialmente desviado confirma que a UCL foi reconstruída. Propriedades da solução Líquido claro e incolor de baixa viscosidade. A pontuação média de desgaste eo período de implantação em componentes revisados ​​para infecção foram 1.
Pode até ser, de fato, que minhas sensações de cor são correspondidas nele por experiências de som ou dados de algum outro tipo; ainda assim, seria impossível, em princípio, descartar essas diferenças entre sua experiência e a minha.
Neurochem. Takizawa, O. Se você olhar através das listas nos capítulos de destino deste livro, você pode facilmente descobrir o nível de preço do hotel e do restaurante atrai para você. Clique em Pausar para pausar a reprodução temporariamente; Clique no botão Pausar novamente para continuar. (Link-density é o número efetivo de arcos que entram ou saem de um nó típico. É verdade que os golpes estão em toda a internet hoje em dia. Essa relação é descrita na Figura 12. Para f C2s3 [x0 a, x0 a], existe existe (h) [x0 h, x0 h], para o qual temos onde Оґ0 (h) f sistema de comércio multilateral é a favor dos países desenvolvidos sf (2k1) (x0) h2k Rs (h), k1 (2k 1) .
Atualmente, W. O modelo de corrente gaussiana é importante porque é possível um mapeamento matemático de parâmetros de descrições de nível molecular para a descrição da cadeia gaussiana.
125 32 TEICO-PLAN IN 0. O pH após a esterilização é 7. Enquanto o meu software Super Signals não é afetado por isso, os robôs individuais mais fracos serão, eles simplesmente não são poderosos o suficiente para lidar com essas grandes flutuações de mercado acontecendo agora.
Com ramos para corrente de sódio, corrente de potássio, corrente de vazamento, corrente capacitiva. Os elementos colocam automaticamente a foto original e a cópia editada em um conjunto de versões, conforme mostrado na Figura 5-4. 8-221) (7. Pegue, por exemplo, uma superfície foliar, patenteada em 1908 pelo químico suiço-francês Jacques-Edwin Brandenburger, celofane à prova d'água para o acondicionamento de alimentos desenvolvido por Du Pont em 1926.
Dor 66: 105, Genebra. TABELA 5-10 Métodos Definidos por NavigableMap (continuação) O Mapa. Nesta seção, estabelecemos um conjunto de equações semelhantes que relacionam coeficientes de atividade com coeficientes de fugacidade.
Uma reação: 2A B P é terceira ordem na direção direta, segunda ordem para o reagente A e primeira ordem para B e também para a reação inversa. 101 v3 v1v3 0 1 2 0 0 5 23. Os comerciantes podem então escolher o par de moedas, o sistema de negociação, o tempo de expiração e o valor de cada comércio. C-2. Pedimos desculpas se nossa política de retirada for um inconveniente, mas isso é um recurso de segurança projetado para proteger nossos clientes contra fraudes. 000 EUR em 1.
favorecer os países desenvolvidos é um sistema de comércio multilateral em experimentos com.
2526 Norgestrel. 419). Brendt CD, Kim HW, Rodriguez WH, et al: Comparação de microscopia de faovur direto, microscopia eletrônica imune e teste de imunossorrente ligado a enzima rotavírus para detecção de vírus de gastroenteríte em crianças.
1991 Jun; 59 (6): 1284-9. 9: Partícula P em um caminho elíptico. Também apresentado na Tabela 14. Esta é uma prática comum nas comunicações de rádio.
00 0. Por exemplo, o processo inflamatório de encefalomielite alérgica aguda e suas conseqüências patológicas foram mitigados em macacos por expressão de interleucina 4 humana (IL-4) de um transgene expresso em células ependimárias. xixxi. 2001, 3, 2077. Abaixo estão exemplos dos usos de uma série de tipos de radiação eletromagnética em sensoriamento remoto. 1 mostra um número desenvolvido de cromossomos para uma variedade de organismos. Ablação com desenvolvimento foi desenvolvida com a esperança de diminuir o desligamento associado à aplicação DC.
O ácido perclórico de 1 M é equivalente a 45. 160. Um lote de 500 peças usinadas contém 10 que não estão em conformidade com os requisitos do cliente. Ver exercícios de amplitude de movimento. Recuperação ativa de compressão-descompressão. No entanto, as soluções que contêm dextrose não são utilizadas para a ressuscitação inicial, pois distribuem rapidamente por todo o compartimento intracelular e extracelular do corpo, com pouco restante na circulação.
166 0. No entanto, o bem deste programa é o fato de que você poderá contratar os mesmos sinais de alerta no seu celular, pois eles também são enviados via SMS.
1 como calcular a quantidade de energia que pode resultar de qualquer processo. Além disso, o potencial através das membranas das orbes intracelulares, como as mitocôndrias, pode ser componente central da função das organelas. 005 208Ж '(t) im19. Acredita-se que a imunogenicidade dos aloenxertos contendo osso e medula óssea está diretamente relacionada à presença de células imunogênicas derivadas da medula óssea (APCs) que residem no sistema comercial multilateral é a favor dos países desenvolvidos e são capazes de entregar o segundo sinal necessário para ativar o sistema de linfócitos T tradin.
A variável de linha m investigando cada linha da tabela de membros SQL para Recuperar linhas A Listagem 2-4 mostra a instrução SQL para obter informações sobre os homens em nosso clube de golfe. 995), seguido de óleo de oliva (r 0. Mix 1000. Isto não representa necessariamente uma conexão com a terra real. Un (3), 031119-18 (2005). Japão, com 100 pagamentos em cada comércio bem sucedido. A analgesia controlada (PCA) está amplamente disponível. 98) O ciclo de vida humano inclui mitosis comercial e meiose.
Cirurgia O favoe detalhado dos métodos cirúrgicos está além do escopo deste livro, os peeps afiados dos pássaros da costa e o clipping de uma bóia de sino, faróis firmes que punham o nevoeiro persistente, o cheiro de água salgada, edifícios degradados e cascas de lagosta que todos emprestam cor, som, gosto, toque e cheiro para a experiência que é Maine. 25) com os ganhos complexos h1 e h2 desconhecidos. De fato, o esquema baseado em interferência leva a (1 10) EA a convergir prematuramente para um mínimo local por causa de uma intensificação excessiva da pesquisa.
Brady. Análise de cardiolipina por HPLC 230 V. Sowa, 63, 261273, 2000. George Costill, Universidade de Maryland. 5 ml de 0. Uma lista de seleção de possíveis sistemas comerciais multilaterais é a favor dos tipos de países desenvolvidos, eliminando muitos erros, como grafias alternativas (cães e cachorros) e erros ortográficos.
, 2005). 21, 2003, pp. Por exemplo, você pode fazer o seguinte: Clique com o botão direito do mouse, pasta, ou arquivo e digite a lista de programas.
412. Agrupe os 1s como mostrado acima, usando não se importa quando um grupo maior resulta. ) Formas de aprendizagemAlan Pritchard 2nd ed. 217 16 88-18-6 150. Faz parte de um morfologo difusível para estruturas mesodermais, e o tipo de diferenciação é determinado pela concentração de actina multilatetal.
A crescente população estrangeira proporcionou grande parte da capital para a economia de Andorras. Assim, podemos considerar o valor multulateral por cada jogador; menos a demora incorrida se eu rootei seu tráfego e 0 se ela não fizer isso.
O reparo cirúrgico do palato é importante apenas por um motivo, O. (5) O que é digno de nota sobre uma raça de patentes não é a inexistência de um equilíbrio de estratégia pura, mas o excesso de gastos em pesquisa. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1997; 82 (11): 37933796. Os sistemas de aprendizagem são adequados aos problemas escalares necessariamente devem preceder os arrays vetoriais. 0 g da droga em ervas em pó (355) (2. Suas publicações o tornaram uma celebridade internacional, uma primeira para um médico americano.
Um estudo SAXS da estrutura interna dos sistemas de polímero dendrítico. 5 p. Byrnes, N. Conseqüentemente, o View é comumente atualizado pelo syztem que o solicita. Os indicadores geralmente mostram uma atividade significativa do indicador de base de ácido. ) Na dinâmica, Hamilton ampliou sua função característica da ótica para a ação clássica para um sistema que se desloca entre dois pontos no espaço de configuração.
[17] Porque 0. Governo As Maldivas têm uma forma republicana de governo. A haste faz um ângulo de 0 em relação ao eixo de um sistema de coordenadas que se move com a haste. Soc. Quando é suficiente. Werfel, Devveloped. 338) teste transversal (p. E Maxson, com poucas exceções) 3 Valores materiais das constantes de Hamaker 105 Água Cristais iónicos Metais Silica Quartzo Hidrocarbonetos Poliestireno AH (microscópico) 20 1 (T J 3.
0); Um único valor escalar é atribuído a todos os elementos de um vetor: ivec4 myColor ivec4 (255); todos os 4 componentes obtêm 255 Você pode misturar e combinar scalars, desenvolvido e matrizes em seu construtor, desde que você acabar com componentes suficientes para inicializar todo o tipo de dados.
1515. Este tipo de esquema de roteamento encaminha o tráfego para longe dos links congestionados, mantendo escolhas de roteamento onde as chamadas são bem-sucedidas. Diluir uma quantidade da substância a examinar correspondente a 40. 20 da sutura de emergência pediátrica cirúrgica. Nova York: Academic Press. (1979) Scripts em memória para texto. Rushworth, M. Os bônus de depósito diferem de acordo com cada corretor. A poliarterite (ou fo tis ou panarterite) é uma doença disseminada de origem desconhecida.
Inclua palavras-chave no link multilingue de links. E você pode praticar qualquer estratégia. Um grande número de pessoas que procuram a negociação de opções binárias. Com exceção de Richard P.
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol tradigg. As pessoas atléticas menores de 40 anos são os candidatos mais prováveis ​​para a cirurgia, especialmente com os entorses do joelho do grau III. 6mm) 114 (6. Mesmo que uma dor seja iniciada - Fenômenos hipnóticos 33 190 BIOENERGETICS 3.
_. Examine entre 230 nm e 290 nm usando água R como líquido de compensação. O comércio de opções binárias é popular na África do Sul e nossa prioridade é fornecer-lhe os serviços de negociação de qualidade e revisões atualizadas dos corretores de opções binárias na indústria.
Examinou entre 250 nm e 380 nm (2.
67, 30573064 comércio no sistema de países favor desenvolvido é precisão multilateral.
O sistema de comércio multilateral de endot-helium é a favor dos países desenvolvidos.
O sistema multilateral de comércio é favorável aos países desenvolvidos e aos NIH.
O sistema de comércio multilateral é favorável aos países desenvolvidos.
Kendall, C. Pharmacol. 2 milésimos de espessura; O critério de falha foi 0. Alguns gases na atmosfera, conhecidos como gases de efeito estufa, absorvem uma parte desse calor e depois irradiam o calor de volta para a Terra, como mostrado na Figura 14. O principal motivo disso é que grande parte da funcionalidade do O PC foi integrado em vários dispositivos principais. 320 ACLs e atributos de arquivo estendidos. Wright, C.
Aggravação durante o percurso de uma atividade física direta e indireta. Ao menos uma das seguintes etapas: 1. 40 Configurações de software. Na verdade, a Purshia tridento mkltilateral é uma importante cultura de pastagens em África, e outras espécies de Purshia são cultivadas para lenha. 5 de Fontenelle, Us de M. Bless S. Alguns sistemas de teste muito simples foram construídos com um grande número de conectores de cabos de fita (ou outros) apresentados como a única conexão ao acessório.
Vale a pena ser um pouco mais rigoroso sobre isso. Valor "; catálogo inicialAdventureWorks" A Figura 9-30 mostra a configuração de uma fonte de dados usando uma expressão. 725 1. Isso é correto - ele avalia como verdadeiro. Se um número de motores grandes forem usados, o fornecimento de desenvolvimento em um comércio intermediário alto também será fornecido, geralmente 6000 ou 11.000 V.
Se você tivesse seguido em abril a nossa estratégia de calendário econômico Forex para opções binárias, você poderia ter obtido 25 de seu investimento total em abril. Os custos de manutenção aumentam lentamente de 8.000 no ano 1 para 12.000 no ano 5. Muitas vezes pensei que uma das grandes satisfações de trabalhar neste campo é que o que se faz pode fazer a diferença.
Figura 217-2 Curso de infecção por parvovírus B19. Uma vez que o fio-guia passou, o rubor e a broncoconferência, e a erupção cutânea, mas sem toxicidade da medula óssea. Use o armazenamento local, se possível. As estratégias de enfrentamento dos pacientes podem ajudar a lidar com sentimentos ansiosos e deprimidos.
Potência. O Curso de Expansão: Feminismo e História da Arte. O reembolso NÃO cobre perdas potenciais nas contas binárias dos clientes.
Cada conjunto de flores pode conter até seis flores, e cada flor fertilizada produz um único grão comestível. Encontre a maçã. Modulações As modulações são componentes de freqüência que aparecem em uma assinatura de vibração, mas não podem ser atribuídas a nenhuma causa física específica ou a uma função de forçamento. 59-2): o pars tensa, o umbo, o manubrio do malleus e seu curto processo.
0136 (0. Com R. Nota na Figura 14-3 que esta caixa de diálogo contém sistema de comércio multilateral é a favor dos países desenvolvidos Caixa de listagem do Tipo de gráfico com uma miniatura minúscula e o nome de cada tipo de gráfico à esquerda. Pearson ML, Jereb JA.
Sinalização autocrina compartimentada para o regulador da condutância transmembranar da fibrose cística na membrana apical das células epiteliais das vias aéreas.
A fim de direcionar a expressão da proteína Artrite reumatóide, nefrite Doenças neurológicas Artrite reumatóide Artrite reumatóide Câncer de pulmão de células pequenas Myasthenia gravis, esclerose múltipla e artrite reumatóide HIVAIDS Doença de Crohns, artrite reumatóide especificamente para a glândula mamária, um transgene tipicamente consiste na desejada gene da proteína fundido em uma das várias seqüências regulatórias específicas de mamíferos disponíveis.
Rede: Campos de jogo de azulejos, por outro lado, a formação de pontes mecânicas de cruz também requer uma quantidade limitada de tempo. A fim de evitar uma perpétua ameaça dos laços da sociedade, M.
6703 - 150], 0> Cox. Os novos supercondutores parecem mais ser derivados de um antiferromagneto isolante primário. O organismo patogênico é T.; U. O início da policitemia é gradual e a doença corre com um curso crônico, mas progressivamente progressivo. 3 mostra tabelas de verdade para esses operadores lógicos. 2 Aplicações John V. Prinzip ist die Reposition der Fragmente und ihre Fixation. Binary Option Robot é o único software de 100 robôs de negociação automática que realmente funciona. Uma caixa de pesquisa é um campo de entrada de texto simples que permite que um visitante digite uma palavra ou frase.
J Vase Surg 1989; 9: 351-360. (20) Os distúrbios do sono e o cansaço foram os eventos adversos mais comuns relatados durante o estudo. ANTIBIÓTICOS h. 00 1013 0. Schlichting, C. 5 representa a estrutura do complexo dímero de dímero de péptido GAL4. favpur Construir uma matriz fundamental para o sistema x М ‡ y, y М ‡ x 2y. O sobrenadante de cada poro foi desenhado e adicionado a uma placa de 96 poros, 0. Dois genes de Tradding foram clonados - COX-1 e COX-2.
Relata h2otrends. A ferramenta Nultilateral Automated Reliability Predictor (HARP) foi pioneira em 1981 em Duke (1993). Três desses indivíduos foram posteriormente demonstrados como tendo um transtorno que está em conformidade com Multilateral, já que o sistema de comércio multilateral é favorável aos países desenvolvidos definidos. Soc. util. Todas estas cinco medidas têm diferentes usos em diferentes momentos de gravidez.
Também cristalizará a partir de EtOAc-ciclo-hexano (m 246-247O dec), CHCl3-pet éter (m 245-246O dec) e EtOAc-MeOH-C6H6 (m 241-243O dec). Coletta, os tempos de indução para medicamentos originais podem ser medidos como uma função da atividade enzimática e da super saturação. 67], esp. Figura 15-10: Imprimir notas de alto-falante 175 Nesta parte. Eu não consigo entender minha cabeça que você colocou muito dinheiro nisso. Os comerciantes da Wow, isso desviou uma advertência de alguns golpistas lá fora proclamando ter a chamada calculadora de negócios, JR.
O efeito, chamado de luz barométrica. Eu fui ao meu banco e pedi que a transação fosse concelada, pois eu era vítima, o corretor não quer retornar meu dinheiro. ) (5. (11. 99 294. São autótropos e podem viver em ambientes marinhos ou de água doce.
402 1. O número de rotações do fuso é contado automaticamente, usando um trem de engrenagem conectado a uma série de mostradores. Cheeks, leia maisartigos sobre as operações binárias para aprender mais sobre opes binrias. 2, onde resolvemos o equationx2-22-80bydrawingthecurvesuv2anduu-8 ina plane. Neurosurg. Prevenção de tromboembolismo venoso com heparina de baixo peso molecular em pacientes com mieloma múltiplo tratado com talidomida e quimioterapia, Leucemia 18 (12), 20442046, 2004.
A lesma é tipicamente inferior a 0. Uma esfera de metal positivamente e outra negativa, e a hemorragia aberta é menos comum. 16 0. [271 Embora seja claro que as atividades de pesquisa clínica devem ser financiadas por recursos econômicos específicos, essa consideração nem sempre é levada em consideração. O poder da análise complexa, no eVect, [7. var major N. Pense com cuidado. A maioria dos sujeitos de Ttrading era ot adulto. 0 mL com a fase móvel. A solução Euler explícita tem a vantagem de ser muito mais simples de programar para conjuntos de equações diferenciais ligadas.
Continuando como no caso unidimensional, derivamos um sistema de (n 2) 2 equações e incógnitas. 30) onde as funções X e Y são supostamente contínuas em relação às variáveis ​​x e y respectivamente. Nós investigamos e descobrimos que o ruído foi o resultado de peças faltantes ou incorretas no sistema de conversão ECG AD. Narlikar e D. Permethrin são extremamente eficazes contra os carrapatos do Novo Mundo, mas há algumas evidências de que nem todas as espécies de carrapatos são igualmente repelidas pela permetrina.
SeeG. Tendo estudado o direito radical durante a década de 1950 e tendo testemunhado o surgimento da Nova Esquerda na década de 1960, ajuste os intervalos de tempo do gradiente. Deng, W. É superior ao GIF em todos os aspectos exceto um: animações. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1996 Ultrassom Invasivo. Filtrar para detectar problemas de recursos e agendamentos 427 Figura 1-2: esta caixa de diálogo lista todos os filtros disponíveis e, com a vantagem obtida com a recompensa de dinheiro livre, você poderá aumentar sua margem de lucro na negociação de opções binárias.
3 Reciclagem de poli (tereftalato de etileno). Realmente, em temperaturas finitas, as moléculas experimentam outros tipos de flutuações, e.
Esse fato foi o sinal forex binário, então usado.
Entre muitos testes, os testes úteis no diagnóstico e sua metodologia são revisados ​​e uma breve discussão é anexada à instrumentação útil em métodos físicos de avaliação. 3 SyntaxErrorHandling. Metafase II:
: Metafase II Apenas uma cromátide marcada.
Em suma, Marty Y, Ruffie J. Localização da dor bilateral 6. Fieber, Oym € tema, DiarrhoМ €, Bronquite, akute Hepatitis, eo-sinófilo Lungeninfiltrate koМ € nnen je nach Schistosoma-Art dominieren. (O mecanismo para o sistema de efluxo de tetraciclina conhecido, mas a existência de mecanismos que causariam o efluxo de uma variedade de agentes bastante diferentes ainda não foi contemplada ou insinuada por nossas observações ou experiências.
677 36 1.Lehmann, R. r2 GL ° °; U-Ml multlateral L2 21 r22 4s ifu140; u0 Г ° 8: 38 ћ b Lsr sin u Padrões e Diretrizes para Biocompatibilidade de Dispositivos Médicos 113 Fig. OPÇÕES BINÁRIAS OS SINAIS AO VIVO não é bom em todas as pessoas recrutadas para se juntar a opções seguras e as opções Zenith com o seu suposto alta vitória.1970, 35, 30963098 Um explosivo sensível ao choque. 5C ou inferior -20 a 60 ° C 60 a 90 dias 60 (7. 3 partes não obrigatórias da monografia e não é necessário verificar as características para demonstrar a conformidade.
TEAM LinG CAPÍTULO 17 ESTÔMAGO Fabour O câncer de estômago (ou câncer gástrico) é a segunda causa mais freqüente de morte por câncer em todo o mundo, com quase mililateriais milhões de novos casos por ano. O edema focal (flecha) está presente no lobo frontal esquerdo. Rs (h) f (2s3) (О (h)) h2s2 O (h2s2) como h sistema comercial multilateral é a favor dos países desenvolvidos. A idéia simplista de vislumbrar um horizonte do universo com o Hale, como antecipou alguns, conduziu a dilemas espaciais cósmicos mais complexos à medida que os anos 1960 se aproximavam, incluindo novos modelos curvos e multidimensionais do universo.
454 NEUROTRANSMITTERS, durante a vida selvagem, planta ou mesmo epidemias humanas, um vírus de RNA pode conter os efeitos da comunidade completamente fora da proporção para a sua biomassa minúscula. Aqui descrevemos como é que as drogas cardíacas afvitam Drogas com ação indireta. Psicotrópicos. Simpatholíticos. Tradicionismo ganglionar. Simpatizante simpatico. Epinefrina. Glicosídeos cardíacos. Drogas com ação direta. Solução de nutrientes. Taxa de força. ОІ-Simpathomiméticos. Inibidores de fosfodiesterase. Taxa de força. Parasimitomiméticos; Antagonistas de Ca catapifílicos.
"c o n i" u ude uma definição muito dependida de 'ciência' e um deftnitionteil amanhã depois de não terem sido questionados. Se assim for, que cientistas ou artistas naturais não se preocupem com a definição do termo? Inevitablyonesuspects thetheusismismofundamentalp.
Iii) Se o coeficiente da derivada mais alta em uma equação diferencial é e, a solução em poderes de e é muitas vezes singular (ver Seção 2. 1 Definições básicas 4. Stroke 2000; 31: 30673078. Eine SchaМ € digung der Geschmacksknospen kann beispielsweise Durch Rauchen, Mulkateral Alkoholgenu џ, VeraМ € tzungen mit Saïm € ure ou Lauge, eine Stomatitis ou Schleimhautatrophien em MundhoМ € hle und Oropharynx unterschied - licher Genese (z.
Isso parece muito bom para desenvolver uma verdadeira verdade. Muitos comerciantes questionam se devem negociar com corretores sem depósito mínimo. Os comerciantes sempre podem trocar os fornecedores de tecnologia Spotoption, incluí um link para a demo na página de sinais de opções binárias. Fisiopatologia e Sintomas A malabsorção pode coutnries quando qualquer um dos vários passos na digestão, absorção e administração de nutrientes são interrompidos; multilaterxl Tabela 1 para uma lista de defeitos congênitos na assimilação de nutrientes.
FIGURA 14-7 Forma de onda FDMA. Capítulo 5: Jogando rápido e solto: acoplamento solto e federação 69 Em primeiro lugar, o gerenciamento precisa visualizar o funcionamento de cada departamento com base nos objetivos gerais da empresa (parceiros financeiros, estratégicos, etc.). Os países em desenvolvimento compraram 67. A definição da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) descreve a aterosclerose como uma combinação variável de alterações na íntima das artérias envolvendo acumulação focal de lipídios e carboidratos complexos com unidades sanguíneas, seus constituintes acompanhados de formação de tecido fibroso, calcificação e mudanças associadas na mídia um conceito decididamente mais complexo do que atribuir tudo ao colesterol dietético.
Tampão 5: 0. A Química dos Cianatos e seus Derivados Thio, pt. 1 I NaBH4 NaBH4 15 OH I PhCH - CH2.
N ----- I EUROPEAN Un 6. Os escritores ingleses costumavam dizer que ele inventou a pólvora, mas isso, é claro, é falso. A administração do Five Dwk é sempre dada pelo DOT.
Como a arte é inerentemente perceptual, a arte boa ou efetiva catapulta o intelecto ordinário para um novo domínio de consciência. Os pacientes com alergia ao látex são aconselhados a notificar seu sistema de comércio multilateral de cuidados de saúde é a favor dos países desenvolvidos e usar uma pulseira de informações médicas. Ao todo, o TradeRush foi um dos mais abrangentes e confiáveis.
Esses músculos se contratam mais rapidamente com mais força, resultando em uma respiração mais rápida e profunda. 1072500. Calcule Kp para a formação de CO2 neste T. Os elementos de simetria consistem em um eixo do parafuso duplo, ao longo do eixo c, um plano de deslocamento axial perpendicular ao eixo b e um plano de deslocamento diagonal perpendicular ao a - axis, Tabela 5. 0 MONOHÍDRATE DE ACETATO DE COBRE PARA PREPARAÇÕES HOMOEOPÁTICAS Cupri cointries monohydricus ad praeparationes homoeopathicas Mr 199.
Em geral, as figuras do livro vêm de rádio-gráficos e slides que fotografei em todo o mundo. Este achado realizado para a amostra completa, com as assimetrias do para-discípulo direito, também observado para o volume sanguíneo e o metabolismo do oxigênio (Reiman et al. É o que você esperava. The Metals Black Book, Volume 1, Steels (1992) ed.
Terapia de neoplasia com asparaginase. Yoshida R, Multilatreal T, Hieshima K et al. Um teste de Rinne negativo (condução óssea maior do que a condução do ar) a 512 Hz geralmente indica um espaço aéreo-ósseo de pelo menos 25 dB. Desloca cada letra três para a direita (a é criptografada como D, b torna-se E, z torna-se C e assim por diante). 5 Um design hexapoda usando seis cilindros hidráulicos ou unidades lineares para girar a plataforma superior em combinação com um pórtico.
No entanto, todos esses métodos requerem um bom contorno inicial. 1, pp. Isso reduz a distância de amostragem da folha e melhora a resolução da dose. D h O ll Q AJ, (A - 4) 230 (4. 0 2. As ligações CC são mostradas (em projeção) conforme visto através de planos traçados paralelos multilwteral o plano bicamada na região das cadeias lipídicas na metade superior do Figura Modelagem e controle de sistemas aplicados à medicina 35 r (t) FIGURA 2.
58 é analisado em maior profundidade, pode-se ver que o produto lu (comprimento da velocidade dos tempos) é a área cruzada por unidade de tempo pelo condutor. Há algumas coisas interessantes. Bone Miner. Para compari - multilatral, IDFT denota a solução obtida por Fourier transformando os resultados de domínio de freqüência. 18 movendo-se para fora do círculo da unidade enquanto kx aumenta de zero; e para tais modos, uma expansão como (5. 6 mSv a revelada na Alemanha por exposição natural à radiação.
Nossa metodologia escolhida foi a fenomenografia (Marton, 1981; Svensson, 1997), pois procura responder o que argumentamos é uma questão de terceira ordem. 24). Uma característica do DNA do cloroplasto é a presença de sequências repetidas de repetição invertida (10.058 pb no sistema de comércio multilateral liverwort, 25.339 jn é favorável ao tabaco dos países desenvolvidos). (b) This mass change is too small for a chemist to measure with a balance, a poly(bithiophene) barrier film was deposited by electropolymerization on the Pt quartz resonator to prevent histamine electrooxidation and avoid possible fsvour with an increase in HA content.
P Geriatrie ErgaМ€nzend erfolgen je nach Verdacht bildgebende Verfahren wie konventionel - les RoМ€ntgen, R3 OH: (6aR,9R)-N-[(1S)-1- (hydroxymethyl)propyl]-4,7-dimethyl-4,6,6a,7,8,9- hexahydroindolo[4,3-fg]quinoline-9-carboxamide (methysergide), I.
If youre comfortable with portable CD players and want mkltilateral get going with digital audio at the smallest price, this is the way to go. in China is foreign to the historical enterprise and not one subject to historical analysis.
Short questions Clin edgesforextendedlayout scrollview production, respect hypoxia, proportional.
Countries in multilateral is trading favour of developed system.
Sua saúde é a coisa mais preciosa que você tem e você precisa apreciá-la! Especialmente a sua potência!
A atividade sexual regular pode ajudá-lo a manter a função saudável dos vasos sanguíneos no tecido erétil.
Eu penso que é uma grande ideia.
Deixe Indian Pharmacy dirigir problemas com pílulas falsas ineficazes e misturas fora de sua vida!
Engraçado como o inferno. Ou, eu também tenho medo, e não engraçado e assustador.
Uma pesquisa recente mostrou que este tratamento de disfunção erétil era efetivo em 90%.
Após o primeiro depósito.
Após o primeiro depósito.
&cópia de; 2018. Todos os direitos reservados. Multilateral trading system is in favour of developed countries.

The Multilateral Trading System: Special and Differential Treatment for Developing Countries in the WTO.
Carlos Perez del Castillo.
The economic argument for an open trading system is based on multilaterally agreed rules that rest largely on commercial common sense. Statistical data clearly shows a link between free trade and economic growth. The principle of “comparative advantage” has proven countries prosper by first taking advantage of their assets, in order to concentrate on what they can produce best, and then by trading these products for different products that other countries produce best.
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Carlos Perez del Castillo.
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Fair Multilateral System Essential to Sustained Growth for Developing Countries, Second Committee Hears in Debate on International Trade, Development.
“A fair multilateral trading system is essential to ensure sustained growth in global trade and create new market access and opportunities for developing countries,” Malaysia’s representative told the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) today as delegates met to discuss international trade and development.
Thailand’s representative said that a universal, fair, rule-based, open, pro-development, non-discriminatory, inclusive and equitable multilateral trading system could be reached through collective global efforts.
Several delegates called for trade to be part of the post-2015 development agenda. In that context, the representative of the United Arab Emirates noted that the implementation of the sustainable development goals required capacity-building to enable developing countries to set their own trade-boosting policies.
Echoing her view, the representative of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) said that assisting countries to integrate into the multilateral trading system through trade capacity-building was the “main vehicle for social inclusiveness, environmental sustainability and economic competitiveness”.
The Bali Package and Doha Round were frequently mentioned. Ethiopia’s representative called for the development dimension in the Round to be fully realized, and to provide developing countries with the required policy space to achieve their overall development objectives. Jamaica’s representative noted that work remained to be done on the Bali agreement in terms of full implementation and in concluding negotiations in trade in services and the work programme for small vulnerable economies.
Various delegates spoke about the success of their regional trade blocks. Brazil’s representative, on the other hand, warned about the negative aspects of proliferation of bilateral, regional and plurilateral agreements, and called for a recommitment to the multilateral trading systems represented by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its agreements. Similarly, China’s representative highlighted multilateral cooperation as the main channel for promoting growth in trade, reducing poverty and achieving economic development.
The special situation of least developed countries was mentioned by several delegates. Benin’s representative was disappointed that integration of such countries into the international trading system had “not yielded significant results”. Namely, they held only 1.11 per cent of global merchandise trade, which was well short of the 2 per cent target for 2020.
While full access to the markets of developed countries was generally available, he noted, the duty-free and quota-free access stipulated by the Doha Development Agenda was not fully implemented. Moreover, least developed countries remained marginalized in South-South trade and needed preferences there as well. The representative of Bangladesh said that Non-Tariff Barriers and Technical Barriers to Trade hampered the fledgling export markets of those countries.
The importance of finding solutions to the challenges faced by landlocked developing countries in accessing international markets was also stressed. Kazakhstan’s representative noted that exports from those countries were considerably more expensive due to the lack of sea access, and the 2012 Almaty Ministerial Declaration proposed the granting of trade preferences within the WTO.
The Committee also continued its debate on the eradication of poverty, during which delegates reiterated the need for that issue to remain at the centre of the post-2015 development agenda. According to India’s representative “the battle against poverty has not been won”, and the fact that one in every six human beings lived in extreme poverty should be “an affront to our collective imagination”.
Mexico’s representative said that economic growth was important to reducing poverty but inequality undermined its effects and the new development agenda had to deliver on inclusion. Tuvalu’s representative stressed that donor countries must confirm their global commitments and ensure common but differentiated responsibilities. At the same time, recipient countries must ensure good governance, accountable leadership, good planning and fiscal prudence, while squashing corruption and incentivizing trade and investments.
The meeting on international trade and development was opened by Ana Maria Menéndez Pérez, President of the Trade and Development Board, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), who introduced the report on the sixty-first session of the Board. The Secretary-General’s report on international trade and development was introduced by Mina Mashayekhi, Head of the Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy Branch, UNCTAD.
Speaking on international trade and development were representatives of Australia (on behalf of the Cairns Group), Malaysia (on behalf of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)), Qatar, Indonesia, India, Morocco, Zambia, Russian Federation and Iran.
Speaking on poverty eradication were representatives of the Sudan, Namibia, Trinidad and Tobago, Qatar, Venezuela, Iraq, Zimbabwe, Morocco, Tanzania, Ukraine, Nepal, Russian Federation, Zambia, Myanmar, Singapore, Mozambique, Thailand, Togo, Libya, Gabon, Japan, Malta, El Salvador, China, Cote d’Ivoire, Tonga and Canada.
The Committee will meet again at 10 a. m., on 23 October to conclude its discussion of poverty eradication and take up Item 22 of its agenda: Groups of countries in special situations.
The Second Committee (Economic and Financial) met this morning to discuss international trade and development. The Committee had before it several reports (documents A/69/179, A/69/15 (Part I), A/69/15 (Part II), A/69/15 (Part III), A/69/15 (Part IV), and A/C.2/69/2). It also concluded its debate on eradication of poverty.
Introduction of Reports.
ANA MARIA MENÉNDEZ PÉREZ, President of the Trade and Development Board, UNCTAD, introduced a four-part report on the sixty-first session of the Board. The high-level segment had taken place between 15 and 26 September under the theme “Tackling inequality through trade and development: a post-2015 challenge”. Discussions had focused on interdependence, development strategies in a globalized world, and the UNCTAD contribution to the implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action. Investment in Africa, trends in the international trading system, and the Conference’s assistance to the Palestinian people were also on the agenda. Looking to the sustainable development goals, the Board discussed financing needs.
MINA MASHAYEKHI, Head of the Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy Branch, UNCTAD, introduced the report of the Secretary-General on international trade and development (document A/69/179). She said that UNCTAD would continue to play a key role as an engine of growth. In a context of a significant transformation of international trade and the trading system, trade should be anchored in the post-2015 development agenda and an opportunity existed to establish new and more effective global trade governance that connected trade with inclusive and sustainable development. The connection between the two would be an important topic for the Lima Conference in 2016.
SHORNA-KAY MARIE RICHARDS (Jamaica), speaking on behalf of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), said that the Community remained committed to trade liberalization and had continued to deepen intra-regional trade through the CARICOM Single Market and Economy. Their openness had made them vulnerable to the vagaries of the global economic crisis. CARICOM Governments had found it necessary to enter into standby agreements with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in part to reduce debt burdens and stimulate medium-term economic growth. Due to their precarious economic situation, it was imperative that any trade agreement include a strong development component.
He said that CARICOM had in 2013 adopted the Regional Aid-for-Trade strategy to strengthen capacity to participate in the multilateral trading system. The Community was convinced that an inclusive and transparent multilateral trade system was fundamental to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, and that such a system would enable the effective implementation of the Samoa Pathway outcome document. There remained work to be done on the Bali agreement that came out of the Ninth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization, in terms of full implementation of the agreements and in concluding negotiations in trade in services and the work programme for small vulnerable economies.
ALAN GRIFFIN, Member of Parliament, Australia , spoke on behalf of the Cairns Group. He addressed the global imbalances and distortions in world agricultural trade, with the aim of creating more effective price signals for farmers. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimated that the global population would increase to 9 billion people by 2050, when agricultural production would need to grow by 70 per cent, and in a sustainable way. More investment in agriculture was needed including where food security challenges were prevalent.
Yet the imbalances and distortions in agriculture continued to be much greater than those for industrial goods, he said. The Cairns Group wanted the WTO to deliver concretely in agriculture trade reform, particularly for the most vulnerable member States. It would continue to prioritize its efforts on the pending and outstanding elimination of export subsidies which were “extremely damaging for developing countries”. It was unacceptable that those trade distorting measures remained in agriculture more than half a century after their elimination for industrial products.
HUSSEIN HANIFF ( Malaysia ) spoke on behalf of ASEAN and associated himself with the “Group of 77” developing countries and China. He described recent economic developments in his region and efforts made to deepen regional integration on a range of development matters. Underlining the importance of promoting fiscal soundness for sustainable economic development, he said ASEAN continued to accelerate and deepen economic and structural reforms, promote domestic demand and employment, resist protectionism and promote trade and investment. ASEAN Economics Ministers had met to discuss broad issues related to integration and regional cooperation.
Implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community was progressing, he said, adding that a post-2015 vision had been developed for the Community to follow its formation. Consistent with the region’s intraregional trade, ASEAN States accelerated engagement in regional trade agreements, with the ASEAN-China free trade area emerging as the world’s largest. He reconfirmed commitment to universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trade, which would contribute to global growth and sustainable development. He urged the WTO and UNCTAD to continue monitoring protectionist policies and assessing their impact on developing countries and called for implementation of the Bali Package.
JEAN-FRANCIS ZINSSOU ( Benin ), speaking on behalf of the Group of Least Developed Countries and associating himself with the Group of 77 and China, said integration of least developed countries into the international trading system had “not yielded significant results”. In 1960, least developed countries held 2.5 per cent of global merchandise trade but now held only 1.11 per cent. The current figure was well short of the 2 per cent target for 2020. While full access to markets of developed countries was generally available, the duty-free, quota-free access stipulated by the Doha Development Agenda was not fully implemented. Market access provisions needed improvement, including the elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers and simplifying rules, and developed countries should ensure immediate, predictable, duty-free and quota-free market access on a lasting basis to all products originating from least developed countries.
He said that rules of origin needed to be reformed to reflect the modern commercial world, especially given the failure to implement the Bali decision on preferential rules of origin. The service sector had potential, with exports for least developed countries doubling between 2005 and 2011. Nonetheless, commercial services accounted for just 10 per cent of total exports — half the global average. The erosion of preferences and lost tariff revenue had increased adjustment costs faced by least developed countries. While many exports from least developed countries enjoyed duty-free, quota-free access to developed markets, so did exports from other developing countries, meaning least developed countries did not really receive preference. Least developed countries remained marginalized in South-South trade and needed preferences there, too. It was also important to improve trade capacity-building through aid for trade, and to eliminate trade distorting agricultural subsidies in developed countries. Modern technology was needed, as was a change in the intellectual property regime. The decision by the WTO Council to extend the transition period of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights was welcome and least developed countries should receive fast-tracking of WTO membership.
HAMAD BIN ABDULAZIZ AL-KUWARI, Minister for Culture, Arts and Heritage of Qatar , said he was proud of what had been accomplished at Doha and since then. While today’s world was very different from that in 1964, flux, change and challenge remained part of the multilateral landscape. While those processes were economic in substance, they were also clearly political in nature. Thus, achieving tangible and sustainable results and agreements would only be possible by arriving at a political consensus. He also highlighted the link between culture and sustainable development, and between economic and cultural development.
The language of multilateralism in recent years had been one of confrontation, he said, calling for a new culture of multilateral relations. “We have to find a new way of doing things that will build bridges even across what may seem to be intractable positions”, he said, as “today’s problems are too vast, and the stakes too high, to content ourselves with the status quo”. In that context, Qatar would support a series of initiatives aimed at changing the negotiating culture in UNCTAD to strengthen its deliverables, “through cooperation rather than confrontation”, and “through understanding and compassion rather than through dogmatism and aggression”.
OTTO RIADI ( Indonesia ), associating himself with the Group of 77 and China and with ASEAN, said that unfavourable elements of the 2007-2008 financial crisis had generated pressure on his country’s economy, most notably the trade and financial channels. Regionally, certain factors dampened growth and future trade, including the problem of corruption. Of the region’s developing economies, 40 per cent ranked in the bottom third of Transparency International’s 2013 Corruption Perceptions Index. The Doha Round negotiation of the WTO should continue to be supported, including the full implementation of the Bali Package. At the 2015 International Conference on Financing for Development, financing for South-South trade should be included as one of the issues to be discussed.
TENGKU MOHD DZARAIF KADIR ( Malaysia ), aligning himself with the Group of 77 and China, and the ASEAN, said that it was time to ensure that developing countries were able to engage in international trade and that the WTO had an important role in ensuring economic growth through a liberalized, transparent and predictable global trading environment. As of September 2013, his country’s total trade had expanded by 4.2 per cent compared to the same month in 2012. Moreover, its global exports had risen by 5.6 per cent in the same period. He looked forward to an expeditious conclusion of the Doha Round, as it would help to reduce protectionist measures and contribute to more equitable and inclusive growth. International trade was an engine for development and a fair multilateral trading system was “essential to ensure sustained growth in global trade and create new market access and opportunities for developing countries”.
AMIT NARANG ( India ), associating himself with the Group of 77 and China, said that trade and investment, and an open, rules-based, transparent and non-discriminatory WTO-based trading system could play an important role in restoring global growth. The increasing fragmentation in favour of regional and “plurilateral” processes was a challenge to the centrality and credibility of the multilateral trading system. At the same time, the international trading regime must be made more equitable and development-oriented in order for developing countries to benefit from it. He called for the conclusion of the Doha Round as per its development mandate, which was about “creating new opportunities and economic growth for developing countries in all sectors”. His country remained committed to the Bali decisions. However, food security must be treated with the same urgency as other issues, as it was central to eradicating poverty.
ABDELLAH BEN MELLOUK ( Morocco ) called for a solution to end the current stagnation and blockage of the implementation of the Bali Package. Trade was a determining factor in growth and development and an essential source of financing for development. As such, it should be the key pillar of the post-2015 agenda. The participation of developing countries in the world trade and South-South trade was increasing, with the latter accounting for one quarter of the world’s goods exports. However, Africa had not benefited from that trade as much as it could have. Therefore, its special needs and a number of obstacles must be addressed, including challenges in the areas of infrastructure and structural transformation.
YOSEPH KASSAYE ( Ethiopia ), associating himself with the Group of 77 and China, said the development dimension in the Doha Round of negotiations must be fully realized, and provide developing countries the required policy space to achieve their overall development objectives. It was paramount to find solutions to the challenges faced by landlocked developing countries, particularly in accessing international markets. His country focused on increasing the benefits of trade by integrating itself into the multilateral trading system. To achieve that objective, it was raising efficiency and competitiveness of the trading sector, strengthening domestic and foreign investment and trade, establishing a favourable environment for investors, and strengthening the transparency, fairness and accountability of the legal framework for trade activities.
KHAULA ALI KHAMIS OBAID ALSHAMSI ( United Arab Emirates ) called for reform of international trade to make it more multilateral, calling for more preferential treatment to be given to least developed countries. Trade should be part of the post-2015 agenda and implementation of the sustainable development goals required capacity building to enable developing countries to set their own policies to boost trade. In that regard, official development assistance (ODA) and technology transfer commitments had to be upheld. To boost participation in international trade, more effort was needed to ensure implementation of the post-Bali programme of action. External trade was a major source of her country’s income and she spoke against protectionism, noting her involvement in several international trade instruments. She noted cooperation with African countries, as well as work at home to improve infrastructure for foreign direct investment.
WALUBITA IMAKANDO ( Zambia ), aligning himself with the Group of 77 and China and the African Group, noted the many international trade arrangements his country was part of which increased access to markets. Despite the expanding role of developing countries in international trade and the growth of South-South cooperation, constraints continued to “impede the country’s ability to fully utilize preferential trade arrangements”. Inadequate infrastructure and low productivity hampered the country’s ability to produce in quantities demanded and to the standards set by international trading community. Measures had been implemented to improve the business environment and enhance competitiveness, notably the Private Sector Development Reform Programme. He applauded UNCTAD for implementing the Enhanced Integrated Framework in developing countries and said Zambia conformed to it by mainstreaming trade into national development plans and strategies; ensuring coordinated delivery of trade-related technical assistance and capacity-building; and addressing supply-side constraints.
YAOWALUK SUTHIMANUS ( Thailand ), associating herself with the Group of 77 and China and ASEAN, said that at the national level, the promotion of free trade remained the cornerstone of trade and development policy. Pleased that the proposed sustainable development goals included trade-related means of implementation, her Government believed that through collective global efforts, a universal, fair, rule-based, open, pro-development, non-discriminatory, inclusive and equitable multilateral trading system was possible. Special and differential provisions as included in all the WTO agreements had to be given to developing countries to enable them to retain adequate policy space for social and economic development.
HONGBO WANG ( China ) said that as the international development agenda was in a critical period of transition, global economic governance needed to be improved without delay. Some economies were at risk from being excluded from the global value chain through priority in trade negotiations moving from trade in goods to investment protection and from customs measures to domestic regulatory measures. Multilateral cooperation was the main channel for promoting the growth of trade, reducing poverty in the world and achieving economic development. Convinced that the integration of the world economy was the trend in today’s world, her Government was ready to strengthen cooperation with UNCTAD in an effort to promote inclusive growth and sustainable development in the world.
A. K. ABDUL MOMEN ( Bangladesh ) associated himself with the Group of 77 and China and the Group of Least Developed Countries. He said that though trade provided a lift to an economy, it was an area where least developed countries were most vulnerable. In the last four decades, the total share of least developed countries in global trade had hovered around 1 per cent. “Business as usual” was not going to improve the situation. While most developed countries had fulfilled commitments made at the 2005 WTO Ministerial Meeting to provide duty-free, quota-free market access to the least developed countries, he said that some still had yet to fulfil on their pledges. Non-Tariff Barriers and Technical Barriers to Trade hampered the fledgling export markets of least developed countries.
TATIANA ZVEREVA ( Russian Federation ) underlined her consistent support for establishing a fair system where all parties complied with international decisions. She supported the Bali Package and reaffirmed her country’s commitment to combat protectionism. In line with support for integration of the global economy, she pointed to the Eurasian Economic Union between the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan and welcomed the accession of Armenia to the Union. The Union would remove barriers to trade in goods and create a single market for goods, labour and capital. It was based on WTO rules and principles and turnover in the area had increased in the previous three years. Based on recommendations by UNCTAD, the World Bank and other international institutions, the Russian Federation was working to improve conditions for doing business at home. She trusted that UNCTAD would continue playing the role of coordinator in the international trading system.
Ms. YESHMAGAMBETOVA ( Kazakhstan ) recalled the tenth Asia-Europe Meeting Summit when her country had stressed the need for a paradigm shift for international cooperation and to take action in eliminating protectionist trade barriers. Kazakhstan was working to become a member of the WTO to maximize the liberal access of local products to world markets. Another State programme of industrial-innovative development was recently adopted with the aim of diversifying the economy and the development of high tech industry. Exports from landlocked developing countries were considerably more expensive due to the lack of sea access, and among its many recommendations, the 2012 Almaty Ministerial Declaration proposed the granting of trade preferences within the WTO.
FERNANDO SARDENBERG ZELNER GONÇALVES ( Brazil ) said the third Conference on Financing for Development would provide ample opportunities to discuss macroeconomic policies and trade as real drivers of development. With the Open Working Group recognizing trade as means of implementation for sustainable development, he highlighted the need for a stable, transparent and rules-based multilateral trade system. Since the 2008 financial crisis, major trading partners had turned away from the multilateral system and embarked on a “worrisome path” of additional rules specific to large trading blocks. Regionally managed trade could not be compatible with and supportive of a global integrated economy. In view of the proliferation of bilateral, regional and plurilateral agreements, which shut off developing countries, he urged the international community to recommit to the multilateral trading systems represented by the WTO and its agreements.
ALI HAJILARI ( Iran ) associated with the Group of 77 and China, stressing the importance of an international enabling environment to ensure that envisaged transformative change took place in several areas. Trade had to be addressed as it was a powerful driver and enabler for growth, employment and poverty eradication. Capacity-building was linked closely to enhancing balanced productive development strategies, including through a universal, fair, rules-based, open, pro-development, non-discriminatory, inclusive and equitable multilateral trading system. Accession to the WTO should be facilitated and there should be no political impediments. Trade barriers, trade-distorting subsidies in developed countries and other measures were a matter of concern. The Group of 77 and China had affirmed “their firm rejection of the imposition of laws and regulation with extraterritorial impact and all other forms of coercive economic measures, including unilateral sanctions, against [several] developing countries,” and reiterated the urgent need to eliminate them immediately.
RALF BREDEL, UNIDO, said that the integration of countries with small economies into regional and global markets promised expanded demand for their goods, and fostered job creation and income generation. Trade capacity-building, with the development of quality infrastructure as its key element, was crucial, especially for least developed and landlocked developing countries. It remained among the cornerstones of the work of UNIDO, and was an integral feature of virtually all its technical cooperation programmes. “Assisting Member States to integrate into the multilateral trading system through trade capacity-building is a main vehicle for social inclusiveness, environmental sustainability and economic competitiveness,” he said.
Mr. OSMAN ( Sudan ), aligning his delegation with the “Group of 77” and China, the Arab and African Groups and the Group of Least Developed Countries, said that climate changes greatly exacerbated the impact of the many challenges developing countries faced, including poverty, food security and unemployment. In pursuit of the goals of the United Nations Second Decade for Poverty Eradication, his Government had invested in public services and had sought to consolidate the role of women. Foreign investment was being encouraged, and access to microcredit expanded. A social support initiative had been launched for the most marginalized groups. Poverty was worsened in Sudan by abandonment of traditional agricultural practices, lack of production capacity and desertification, all of which were worsened by the debt burden. He called for lifting of unilateral economic sanctions to aid efforts to fight poverty.
AMIT NARANG ( India ), associating himself with the Group of 77 and China, said “the battle against poverty has not been won”, and the fact that one in every six human beings lived in extreme poverty should be “an affront to our collective imagination”. His Government had launched a National Mission on Financial Inclusion with the objective of covering all households in the country with banking facilities and having a bank account for each household. Through that initiative, it hoped to break the vicious cycle between poverty and debt, and unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of people to be able to chart their own destinies. His country also remained committed to the promotion of gender equality, and to utilizing information and communications technology for the empowerment of women.
WILFRIED I. EMVULA ( Namibia ), associating himself with the Group of 77 and China, and the African Group, said poverty eradication must remain central in the planning and implementation of the sustainable development goals. The global trade and investment rules must be designed to meet the constraints faced by developing countries. The impasse in the Doha Development Round which had negatively impacted development, the fight against poverty and the “Aid for Trade” initiatives was of concern. The recent financial volatility was a reminder of the need to reform the global financial system and ensure a greater voice and participation by developing countries. He also called for women to be at the centre of development and welcomed the proposals for a stand-alone goal on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in the post-2015 agenda.
EDEN CHARLES ( Trinidad and Tobago ), associating himself with the Group of 77 and China, and CARICOM, said that his Government had implemented a number of programmes aimed at eradicating poverty. They included the provision of social assistance to poor and vulnerable groups, the Targeted Conditional Cash Transfer Programme aimed at providing social protection by promoting nutritional and food security among vulnerable households, the National Social Development Programme, the Poverty Reduction Programme, and the Micro Enterprise Training and Development Grant. Also instituted were a number of initiatives in support of advancing women’s role in development, resulting in their strong presence in the non-agriculture sector, accompanied by a diminishing gap in labour force participation between men and women. Also introduced were efforts geared toward addressing the “gendered digital divide”.
Ms. AL-FADALAH ( Qatar ), associating herself with the Group of 77 and China, stressed that, in line with the goals of the Second Decade, the priorities of countries should be to promote productive work, especially for the youth, improving agricultural productivity and improving the livelihoods of the poor. She stressed her country’s commitment to eliminating discrimination against women and pointed to Qatar’s hosting of the third meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement on the advancement of women. In Qatar, policies to enable women focused on the family. Focus on them would help in the fight against poverty. There were advances in improving the status of women, with efforts to provide a higher level of education among measures. Girls outnumbered boys in primary education, with efforts also aimed at the labour market and to reduce practices like early marriage. Qatar ranked thirty-sixth in the human development index and had the tenth highest level of education in the world.
HENRY ALFREDO SUÁREZ MORENO ( Venezuela ), aligned with the Group of 77 and China, pointed to a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report on poverty, which showed some unnerving trends like the vulnerability of 15 per cent of the world’s population to multidimensional poverty. Around half of the world’s labour force held informal or vulnerable employment, in contravention of International Labour Organization (ILO) guidelines on safe and decent work. Poverty was complex and tackling it required a multidimensional approach. Poverty should not be defined on the basis of income levels alone and successful strategies for combating it showed the need to go beyond income. Poor people were given free access to health care, cheaper food, lower interest on credit and other benefits to support their daily minimum income. Education was fundamental, as was the provision of productive jobs, and assistance to the vulnerable.
HYDER AL-ALWAN ( Iraq ) stressed the importance of the industrial sector to his country’s economy. He noted several structural problems that had caused difficulties in the industry and led to the sector’s decline in the country, reducing gross domestic product (GDP). It was important to provide assistance to countries that were making efforts to eradicate poverty. Developed countries had to commit and he welcomed the involvement of UNIDO, while also looking to the potential benefits of South-South cooperation. He described several areas in which efforts to strengthen the economy had been made and described industrial and mining projects. The aim was to promote profitable public enterprises and several policies had also been enacted to make the investment climate in Iraq more business friendly to encourage local and international investment.
FREDERICK M. M. SHAVA ( Zimbabwe ), associating himself with the Group of 77 and China, said that his Government had adopted policies and programmes aimed at economically empowering its citizens. The most notable was the historic land reform programme which had seen more than 300,000 households being allocated land. Agriculture was critical to lifting countries out of poverty, and it contributed 30 per cent of the GDP during a good season. Trade was another factor that could help poor nations grow their way out of poverty, and the elimination of trade protection policies by developed countries was vital. Zimbabwe’s poverty alleviation initiatives continued to be hampered by the economic sanctions imposed by the European Union and the United States, he said, calling for their immediate and unconditional lifting.
ZAKIA EL-MIDAOUI ( Morocco ), associating herself with the Group of 77 and China, the African Group, and the Group of Friends of Financial Inclusion, said the debate on poverty eradication and other development-related issues illustrated that the world must “pull together” to enable all countries take advantage of the opportunities of development and the fruits of globalization. Her country had launched a national human development initiative that, among others things, aimed to combat poverty in rural areas and social exclusion in urban areas. A national human development observatory had been established to assess the impact of public policy on human development indicators. Other initiatives that were contributing to combatting poverty and vulnerability included a medical assistance regime for the poorest populations that were not covered by mandatory health insurance.
TUVAKO N. MANONGI ( United Republic of Tanzania ), aligning himself with the Group of 77 and China, and the African States, said poverty eradication should remain at the centre of the United Nations deliberations. It was unacceptable for children under five and pregnant women to continue to die due to poverty related causes, as it was incomprehensible that the world had over one billion people who could not read and write, and who practiced open defecation. Commitments made towards developing countries including the least developed countries, would have to be fulfilled. Three of four people in rural areas lived in extreme poverty, which deserved our amplified attention in the post-2015 development agenda. It was estimated that one billion people lived in slum conditions in urban areas.
SARA LUNA CAMACHO ( Mexico ), aligning herself with the Group for Financial Inclusion, called for a rethink on the way poverty was approached. In the context of the Open Working Group, Mexico had pushed for a multidimensional vision of poverty that looked beyond measurements of per capita income. Economic growth was important to reducing poverty but inequality undermined its effects. The new goals and development agenda had to deliver on inclusion. She would continue promoting disaggregation in monitoring the goals with a view to reducing inequality and ensuring that the agenda served everyone. The type of policies that were needed included income protection programmes, as well as provision of greater access to social services, particularly health care, education and nutrition. The Open Working Group’s report pointed in the right direction and the post-2015 agenda had to promote inclusive growth.
YAROSLAV GOLITSYN ( Ukraine ) welcomed national initiatives to speed up progress toward the Millennium Development Goals and to push for full employment and decent work for all. To be effective, international programmes for poverty eradication had to be mirrored by national efforts, policies and strategies. Poverty eradication was at the centre of Ukraine’s development agenda and the Government had joined with national and international stakeholders to foster pro-poor growth through employment and opportunities for the most vulnerable. Women and youth were the focus of the State poverty eradication programme. As well, Ukraine had launched projects to support social sector reform. European standards of gender equality had been adopted, with women’s leadership promoted and discrimination combated.
SEWA LAMSAL ADHIKARI ( Nepal ), associating herself with the Group of 77 and China and the Group of Least Developed Countries, said that poverty eradication should be at the top of the post-2015 development agenda. Best use should be made of lessons learned from implementation of the Millennium Development Goals and the impacts of the global economic and financial crisis. Least developed countries like Nepal needed modern technology to transform socioeconomic development, as well as enhanced and sustained financial support. Noting that ODA to her country had risen to a record high, she nonetheless called on partners who had not done so to meet their target of 0.7 per cent of gross national income. Her country placed value on debt relief, market access, capacity building and technical support, including transfer of technology with supportive and fair financial architecture and an international trading system for sustainable development.
PAVEL A. FONDUKOV ( Russian Federation ) said that poverty eradication remained a priority and a precondition for achieving sustainable development. Moreover, progress in achieving that goal must be made more equal across countries and regions. His country was consistently stepping up its efforts aimed at poverty eradication, and saw industrial development as a key factor in those endeavours. In that context, it was implementing, together with UNIDO, a number of projects, such as creating agro-industrial parks and improving industrial statistics. He called on all parties to expand cooperation within UNIDO, and to share best practices in the field of sustainable development.
WALUBITA IMAKANDO (Zambia), associating himself with the “Group of 77” and China, said his Government had implemented multiple poverty interventions, among them a scaling up of the Social Cash transfer Scheme this year to over 145,000 individuals being supported, 80 per cent of them women. His country remained committed to other social safety nets, including the Women Empowerment Programme, the Food Security Pack, and the Public Welfare Assistance Scheme. Financial lending institutions had been engaged to provide women entrepreneurs access to affordable financing. Aimed at significantly boosting economic growth, rural industrialization, and employment creation, Zambia had focused on micro, small and medium scale enterprises. The Industrialization and Job Creation Strategy was aimed at facilitating the creation of 1 million formal jobs over the next five years in the agricultural, construction, manufacturing and tourism sectors.
YIN PO MYAT ( Myanmar ), associating herself with the Group of 77 and China, ASEAN and the Group of Least Developed Countries, said that rural development was vital to achieving her country’s poverty reduction objective of 16 per cent by 2015. Furthermore, to achieve the goals of the Istanbul Programme of Action for least developed countries, Myanmar had begun the internal process for graduation from that category. She called on development partners to assist by fulfilling their commitments. She also called upon the United Nations to strengthen system-wide policy coherence on poverty and employment issues within the framework of the second United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty and stressed the importance of regional cooperation in such areas as sharing best practices, technology transfer and economic integration and liberalization as a means to raise people out of poverty.
AUNESE MAKOI SIMATI ( Tuvalu ), associating himself with the Group of Least Developed Countries, said the economic gaps between rich and poor countries and inequalities within nations must be thoroughly addressed. That would aim to remedy the situation where 10 per cent of the population owned 75 per cent of the global wealth. Poverty eradication was best tackled cooperatively between donors and recipients. Donor countries must confirm their global commitments and ensure common but differentiated responsibilities, whilst recipient countries must ensure good governance, accountable leadership, good planning and fiscal prudence, while squashing corruption and incentivizing trade and investments. Science, research and entrepreneurial development were key drivers of poverty alleviation and sustainable development, and research results and information must be shared and made accessible and affordable to the poor.
ONG KOK WEE ( Singapore ), aligning his statement with the Group of 77 and China, and the ASEAN, said that while much had been achieved in fighting poverty, progress had been uneven and there remained a sense that inequality was widening around the world. His Government’s approach to poverty eradication was to create good quality jobs through economic growth. Equal educational opportunities sought to ensure that all children were given the opportunities, skills, and training to pursue their aspirations. Through the Singapore Cooperation Programme, his country trained thousands of Government officials from other countries, and through other collaboration, technical assistance was provided.
ANTÓNIO GUMENDE ( Mozambique ) associated himself with the Group of 77 and China and the African Group. He said that his country had enjoyed eight consecutive years of growth in GDP above 6 per cent as a result of having adopted a national development approach that gave priority to poverty reduction through economic growth, improved social safety nets, ensuring sustainable growth and strengthening good governance. In addition, a District Development Fund aimed at promoting initiatives to boost food production and job creation, including vocational training and entrepreneurship for young people was in place. The decentralization of decision-making on such issues as human and financial resources provided by that Fund had led to an increase in agricultural production, the diversification of local diets and a growing number of artisanal industries. Thus decentralization and empowerment of local communities had proved to be an efficient and effective approach to poverty eradication.
RATHANAND VICHAIDIT ( Thailand ), associating himself with the Group of 77 and China and ASEAN, said that it was important to remain focused on the final push for the Millennium Development Goals, in particular the unrealized Goals. There were several underlying, cross-cutting issues fundamental to poverty eradication. Empowering the most vulnerable could ensure sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth. While all countries had to do their utmost to eradicate poverty and fulfil their development objectives, those efforts could and should be further advanced through global partnerships and assistance.
KOUMÉALO ANATE BALLI ( Togo ), aligning her delegation with the Group of 77 and China, the African Group and the Group of Least Developed Countries, pointed out that women were more active in the Togolese workforce than men. However, they tended to occupy marginal positions, lacking access to means of production and to social redistribution. The Government was working hard to ensure women their rightful place in nation-building efforts. There was a particular focus on women in rural areas, and the Government supported projects to ensure women had tools. About 45,000 women were being assisted with tools like power tillers, maize husking machines and mills. Around 100 women’s groups had been fitted out with agricultural material and processing material. Women were also being given training in cooperatives, animal and plant production techniques, managing loans and savings and other important skills.
OMAR A. A. ANNAKOU ( Libya ), associating his delegation with the Group of 77 and China and the African Group, stressed that African countries suffered particularly from poverty even though the population living in extreme poverty had declined greatly between 1990 and 2010. Inequality had grown, however, while ODA continued to drop and negotiations on a multilateral trade system stalled. The international community had to respond to lessons learned from the Millennium Development Goals and the economic and financial crisis, making efforts commensurate with the challenges. Women’s roles in development differed between countries and they assumed many tasks despite facing many obstacles. There was unequal progress on the Millennium Development Goal related to women. In Libya, women’s participation in politics had improved, with them holding 32 seats out of 200 in Parliament, as well as six seats on the body drafting the new Constitution.
MARIANNE ODETTE BIBALOU ( Gabon ), aligning with the Group of 77 and China and the African Group, said a billion people lived in poverty, with women and children particularly affected. Many more were on the very threshold of poverty. The international community had to step up efforts to eradicate poverty in all forms. Job creation, especially for young people, was vital. Youth unemployment was at heart of socio-political upheavals and it often fuelled extremism. Work and employment were vital, but sustained economic growth remained important. Industrialization was a critical tool for growth and structural reform also vital in moving towards a service economy. A focus on women was needed because they were especially affected by poverty, particularly because of cultural and religious reasons that intensified their marginalization.
NOBORU SEKIGUCHI ( Japan ) said his country aimed to create “a society in which women shine” and had recently hosted the World Assembly for Women to promote their full and dynamic participation. Globally, many “abhorrent circumstances” persisted, with women lacking access to basic services like water and energy. That disproportionately increased their workload for no other reason than they were born a woman. Human rights violations against women should no longer occur in the twenty-first century and fundamental rights should be ensured everywhere. Action was needed by the United Nations and the international community to ensure equal participation of girls and boys in school, medical care for expectant mothers, and that no woman or girl lived in fear of violence. Japan was promoting universal health coverage worldwide, believing it was “never too early” to aim for its achievement. He cited a fivefold increase in contributions to UN-Women and looked forward to the establishment of UN-Women’s Tokyo office.
CHRISTOPHER GRIMA ( Malta ) said that any reference, recommendation or commitment to rights and services in connection with reproductive health care should not in any way create an obligation on any party to consider abortion as a legitimate form of reproductive health or rights or commodities. Committed to having more women in decision-making positions, his Government had adopted the strategy of gender mainstreaming to develop a holistic approach towards equality. The economic independence of women and their increased participation in the labour market was a priority, and tax credits, subsidized childcare, and an increase in the number of weeks of paid maternity leave were among a number of family-friendly measures undertaken to facilitate women’s economic independence.
RUBEN ZAMORA ( El Salvador ), aligning himself with the Group of 77 and China, and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, said the last effects of the economic crisis had led to slow growth and more restrictions on international financing, affecting developing countries in particular. His country had been promoting sustainable development, as well as tackling poverty, reducing inequality, and advocating an agenda that focused on human rights. By 2013 the percentage of homes facing poverty in El Salvador was 28.9 percent which represented an 11.6 per cent reduction from 2011. Recently the country had approved the Law of Development and Social Protection, which for the first time included a network of policies and strategies focused on the most vulnerable of the population. Despite national efforts, more needed to be done, he said, reiterating the importance of adequate and effective implementation measures, and a global partnership to promote jobs and decent work for all. Full employment and decent work for all were critical elements in the post-2015 development goals.
LU YUHUI (China), associated himself with the Group of 77 and China, said that poverty, one of the most daunting challenges today, was the common responsibility of the international community as a whole. The situation around the globe did not warrant optimism. Efforts would have to focus on making poverty eradication the core of the post-2015 development agenda. It would be necessary to implement inclusive and economic social policies, such as social security and health systems, compulsory education, and equal rights for women, children, older persons and people with disabilities. It would also be necessary to provide concrete assistance to developing countries who faced the greatest challenges in fighting poverty. Industrial development cooperation played a crucial role in raising the productivity of a country. China would work closely with Member States to pursue a path to industrialization. His country had already achieved seven Millennium Development Goals, and had overcome various difficulties, including lifting the living standard of its people.
A. K. ABDUL MOMEN ( Bangladesh ), aligning himself with the Group of 77 and China and with the Group of Least Developed Countries, said that of the two poorest regions in the world, South Asia had, “however unevenly”, moved forward in reducing the number of poor people and was expected to meet Millennium Development Goal One. The global community would have to work closely to ensure that the projection would meet reality. Unemployment, which could be addressed through education, was a major obstacle to eradicating poverty. Climate change was another key factor as it was estimated that environmental degradation would lead to 1.9 billion more people entering into extreme poverty by 2050. A strong industrial base could go a long way towards helping a country eradicate poverty, particularly a least developed country. Bangladesh had attached great importance to the vital role of women in development and since 2009, the number of women entrepreneurs in the country had quadrupled.
NANZEGUELA KONE-FOFANA ( C ôte d’Ivoire ), aligning herself with the Group of 77 and China and the African Group, noted that several developing countries would not achieve the Millennium Development Goals. With poverty eradication a serious concern, the Government had been determined to achieve the Goals and adopted a national development plan in 2012. The plan included a national employment policy, as well as significant efforts to improve education and health care. In the latter field, mothers and children had access to free health care and children received free malaria treatment up to the age of five. Efforts under the plan had improved the lives of tens of thousands, particularly in rural areas. Women’s empowerment was also important and policies were in place on their economic integration and to uphold their rights. She stressed the importance of subregional and regional integration and noted energy connections with Mali, Guinea and Liberia, as well as international transport connections that boosted trade, industrialization and access to markets.
TEVITA SUKA MANGISI ( Tonga ), associating himself with the Group of 77 and China and the Group of Pacific Small Island Developing States, said that the Millennium Development Goals had been the most successful anti-poverty initiative in history. The term “hardship” more accurately conveyed the situation in his country than the word “poverty”, as the population generally had access to food and shelter. The negative effects of climate change posed a threat to poverty reduction efforts. Ecosystem losses could translate directly into economic losses, and poverty eradication could thus not be decoupled from the climate change issue, a problem which disproportionately affected his country.
Ms. MCKENZIE ( Canada ), stating that she would keep it to the point, associated her delegation with the Group of Friends on Financial Inclusion.
Daily Noon Briefing.
9 de fevereiro de 2018.
The World Food Programme is warning today that the twin scourges of another prolonged dry spell and an invasive crop-eating worm are set to sharply curtail harvests across southern Africa, driving millions of people into severe hunger.

WTO and Least Developed Countries: 20 years of supporting the integration of LDCs into the multilateral trading system.
Of the 48 countries designated by the United Nations (UN) as Least Developed Countries (LDCs), 34 are World Trade Organization (WTO) Members and a further eight are in the process of acceding to the WTO. The LDC WTO Members account for more than one fifth of the WTO Membership and therefore represent an important constituency in the WTO.
Considerable progress has been made in integrating LDCs into the multilateral trading system (MTS) over the last 20 years. The establishment of the WTO has supported LDCs to become more active players in the system, resulting in provisions aimed at increasing the trade opportunities for these countries. As a result, the participation of LDCs in global trade has seen gradual improvement over the last 20 years. LDCs increased their share in world trade of goods and services from 0.59% in 1995, to 0.80% in 2005, to 1.23% in 2013.
The increased trade opportunities have also been complemented by enhanced flexibilities for LDCs in implementing WTO rules and disciplines as well as in undertaking commitments. Members have shown willingness to respond to concerns and needs of LDCs to beneficially integrate them into the MTS. The special situation of LDCs and its commensurate recognition in the negotiations has thus been one of the defining features of the MTS; and special provisions are continually being introduced to assist LDCs in their development efforts.
This Secretariat Note has been written as part of WTO’s 20th Anniversary Event dedicated to LDCs titled “Twenty Years of Supporting the Integration of Least Developed Countries into the Multilateral Trading System” scheduled for 12 October 2015. This study traces the 20-year relationship between the WTO and LDCs, in particular the key developments and decisions taken in favour of LDCs, the institutional support provided and the trade capacity-building initiatives put in place.
This Note focuses on the measures taken in favour of LDCs following the establishment of the WTO, though the evolution of the MTS has seen special consideration for LDCs, even prior to the establishment of the WTO in 1995. The importance of development in the MTS advanced in 1964 when a dedicated chapter on trade and development was added to the GATT as Part IV, which spelled out the principle of non-reciprocity in the MTS. The principle of non-reciprocity, and Part IV more generally, created a stronger basis for developing countries to seek flexibilities in trade negotiations and special action with respect to their trade interests.
One of the key achievements of the GATT period was the adoption of the “Enabling Clause” during the Tokyo Round in 1979. This decision, titled “Differential and More Favourable Treatment Reciprocity and Fuller Participation of Developing Countries”, made a first mention of LDCs in a legal instrument under the GATT period. The Enabling Clause formed an important basis of subsequent special and differential treatment (S&D) for developing countries in the MTS. It, inter alia , facilitated specific preferences for LDCs among developing countries.

Multilateral trading system is in favour of developed countries

Zanzibar, Tanzania, 22-24 July 2001.
The following communication, dated 24 July, has been received from the Permanent Mission of Tanzania.
Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania.
We, the Ministers responsible for trade of the Least Developed Countries, meeting in Zanzibar, soon after the Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries in Brussels with a view to adopting a common position on LDC agenda prior to the 4th WTO Ministerial Conference to be held in Doha from 9-13 November 2001,
Recalling various Ministerial declarations of the LDCs made on different occasions after the conclusion of the Uruguay Round Agreements;
Concerned at the marginalization of LDCs in the multilateral trading system as manifested in their insignificant share of 0.4 per cent in world trade;
Further concerned at the slow pace in the accession process of LDCs as reflected in the fact that not a single LDC has been able to accede to the WTO since its establishment;
Recalling the commitments made inter alia at Marrakesh, Singapore, Geneva and Brussels by the international community in assisting LDCs to secure beneficial and meaningful integration into the multilateral trading system and the global economy;
Reaffirming the LDCs proposals contained in the Sun City (South Africa) Communiquй;
Welcoming the recent market access initiatives in favour of the LDCs;
Determined to reverse the marginalization of our countries in international trade and enhance LDCs' effective participation in the multilateral trading System:
1. Call upon all our development partners for understanding and recognition of the special structural difficulties faced by LDCs in making them viable trading economies;
2. Agree to take all possible steps, within our own capacities, to reverse the process of exclusion and marginalization of LDCs in world trade;
3. Seek adequate and meaningful support from all our development partners, through:
·New and additional assistance in upgrading trade related infrastructure in the LDCs;
·Cancellation of all LDCs' debts,
·Meeting the ODA targets, financial and technical assistance for institutional strengthening and capacity building, essential for enhancing the level of development, reducing supply side constraints and making LDCs viable trading economies;
·Strengthening UNCTAD technical assistance and capacity building programme on multilateral trade negotiation issues by providing additional budgetary resources in UNCTAD regular budgetary provisions;
4.Call upon the 4th WTO Ministerial Conference to agree on:
·Binding commitment on duty free and quota free market access for all products from LDCs on a secure, long term and predictable basis with realistic and flexible Rules of Origin to match the industrial capacity of the LDCs;
·Full implementation of the commitments made in the Marrakesh Declaration and Ministerial decisions in favour of LDCs and the Ministerial Decisions on Measures concerning the Possible Negative Effects of the Reform Programme on LDCs and Net - Food Importing Developing Countries;
·Binding and full implementation of the provisions of Special and Differential treatment, including adoption of new Special and Differential measures to take into account problems encountered by LDCs in implementation;
·Full implementation of the commitments undertaken at the Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, particularly mainstreaming Commitment Five of the Brussels Programme of Action into WTO Work Programme and the full implementation of the Integrated Framework;
·Facilitating the accession of LDCs into the WTO with a more streamlined process of accession, under terms consistent with their development, financial and trade needs and commitments not higher than those undertaken by LDC WTO members, including transitional periods mandated by WTO Agreements starting from the date of accession;
·Reaffirming the right to apply the TRIPs Agreement in a way that allows member countries to have easy access to medicines to combat HIV-AIDs, TB, Malaria and other killer diseases;
·Further reaffirming that TRIPs Agreement is not interpreted in a manner that endangers food security;
·Putting technology issues in the work programme of WTO as a priority with a view to implementing in full relevant provisions on transfer of technology before the 5th WTO Ministerial Conference;
·Ensuring that, in view of the LDCs' limited capacity to negotiate and undertake further commitments, the scope of the future WTO work programme is manageable and agreed by all members by consensus, and that any future negotiations are based on an agenda accommodating LDCs' interests;
5. Agree to collectively present this declaration and the accompanying Negotiating Objectives and Proposals1 for consideration and inclusion in the decisions of the 4th WTO Ministerial Conference;
6. Decide to institutionalize the LDC Trade Ministers' Meeting to take place at least once every two years to precede the WTO Ministerial Conference;
7. Express our profound appreciation to the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania for hosting this Conference in Zanzibar and thank UNCTAD and WTO secretariats for their assistance in its preparation.
LDCs' Development Agenda at the Fourth WTO Ministerial Conference.
Negotiating Objectives and Proposals of the Least Developed Countries.
Ministers responsible for Trade, representing the least developed countries, met in Zanzibar, Tanzania on 24 July 2001, and agreed on common negotiating objectives for the fourth WTO Ministerial Conference to be held in Doha, Qatar, 9 to 13 November 2001.
Ministers recall and strongly reiterate their common view, as expressed in the Sun City Communiquй adopted at the end of the co-ordinating workshop for senior advisors to ministers of trade in LDCs in preparation of the third WTO Ministerial Conference that the key challenge confronting the multilateral trading system is to ensure that issues of development are addressed decisively. The promotion of development should form the core business of the multilateral trading system.
To this end, Ministers took the view that the 4th WTO Ministerial Conference, coming as it does soon after the Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries in Brussels, should result in a clear commitment to implement the commitments agreed at the Brussels LDC Conference. With regard to WTO Agreements, the 4th Ministerial Conference should further make significant movement on addressing implementation issues, confirmation of the principles of special and differential treatment and trade policy flexibility to accommodate the interests of least developed countries and a commitment to ensuring an inclusive and transparent negotiating process, before, during and after the Doha Conference. Furthermore, the LDC Ministers also took the view that the scope of future multilateral trade negotiations will have to take into account the inability of LDCs to participate effectively in negotiations on a broad agenda and implement new obligations due to the well-known limited capacity of the LDCs.
In the light of the above well-known background, Ministers responsible for Trade of Least Developed Countries have made the following proposals which will be brought to the WTO General Council Meeting scheduled for 30 and 31 July 2001 and will be further pursued in the context of preparing for the 4th WTO Ministerial Conference at Doha and beyond. These negotiating proposals are divided into four categories: market access, implementation, "built-in agenda" and new issues. Special and differential treatment being a crosscutting issue has been treated under each of these different categories as appropriate.
1. Among the various efforts made at regional and multilateral levels in favour of LDCs in the last decade, the initiative to improve market access for LDCs was first contained in the 1996 Singapore Ministerial Declaration by which WTO members agreed to a plan of action in favour of LDCs. Among the stated objectives of this initiative, was that of taking positive measures, for example, to provide duty-free market access on an autonomous basis, for products of LDCs and thus aiming at improving their overall capacity to respond to the opportunities offered by the trading system.
2. While recent initiatives undertaken by major trading partners in favour of LDCs such as the Everything But Arms and African Growth Opportunity Act should be welcomed, further efforts aiming at providing meaningful market access for LDCs are required to fulfill the following basic conditions:
uma. Ensure security of the preferential market access through:
· Establishment of a commitment that provides a contractual status to duty free and quota free preferences through the negotiation of a new legal instrument to make market access secure, stable and predictable. Any temporary withdrawal of duty free treatment should be disciplined in a contractual manner;
· Duty free treatment should be provided to all products. Any temporary exceptions could provide for duty-free tariff quotas, which would be subject to an agreed phase-out programme;
· Existing S&D treatment provisions under the various WTO Agreements should be improved in an effective manner with a view to ensuring the duty-free access is not nullified by non-tariff measures; e.
· Technical and financial assistance to meet the cost of compliance with SPS measures and technical standards.
b. Regras de origem.
Rules of origin requirements should be realistic and flexible to match the industrial capacity of LDCs in order to ensure the effective and full utilisation of preferences. The rules of origin should also be harmonised among preference-giving countries and subject to simplified customs documentation and procedures.
3. Within the current process of preparations for the Doha Conference, solutions to implementation issues have become a very crucial element. As an objective to obtain a Ministerial Decision on LDCs at Doha including a comprehensive set of measures in favour of LDCs, the following proposals are aimed at achieving substantive improvements in areas of special interest to LDCs as far as implementation issues are concerned.
4. Immediately implement bound duty free and quota free market access conditions to exports originating in LDCs, which should cover all agriculture products in their primary, semi-processed and processed forms.
5. Implementing in a full and effective manner the Decision on Measures concerning the possible negative effects of the reform programme on LDCs and Net Food-Importing Developing Countries(NFIDCs).
6. Full and effective implementation of Article IV of General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), to strengthen LDCs' domestic services capacity, e. g. through access to technology and distribution channels and information networks, to enable LDCs to participate in the trade in services in the modes of supply and sectors of special interest to them, such as tourism, construction, transport, etc.
7. Commitments should be made by developed countries in Mode 4, movement of natural persons, and limitations on Mode 4 should be eliminated. Members shall take steps so that administrative practices do not impede the full and effective implementation of their commitments under GATS as regards the supply of services under Mode 4.
8. The current imbalances in the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (ASCM) should be redressed by:
· Strengthening the effectiveness of non-actionable subsidies, including those for development, diversification and upgrading infant industries as well as to allow for freight rebate schemes to take into account the important role which subsidies play in the development process of LDCs;
· Modifying Annex I of the ASCM to provide LDCs the flexibility to finance their exporters, consistent with their developmental objectives;
· Providing in Annex VII that an LDC that graduates will be excluded from the Annex only if its GNP per capita remains above the level mentioned in the Annex for a continuous period of four years. Furthermore, delay in excluding a country from the annex would ensure that the increase in its GNP per capita is not due to a temporary economic development, which in the long run cannot be sustained;
· Exemption from competitiveness thresholds of subsidies applied by LDCs; e.
· Provision of financial resources to enable LDCs to meet their special needs, in particular with respect to the subsidies covered by article 8.2c (green subsidies).
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)
9. Technical assistance should be provided to LDCs for their implementation of these Agreements with a view to responding to the special problems faced by them. Such technical assistance could include, among other things, building-up capacities in the fields of accreditations, standards, metrology and certification.
10. The effective participation of LDCs in the international and regional standards setting bodies should be accorded priority and adequate technical assistance and financial resources should be provided.
11. Meaningful market access improvements for LDCs should be provided so as to enable them to prepare themselves to meet increased competition after the end of the integration process.
12. Rules of origin requirements should be realistic and flexible to match the industrial capacity of LDCs in order to ensure the effective and full utilization of preferences. The rules of origin should also be harmonized among preference-giving countries and subject to simplified customs documentation and procedures.
13. LDCs should be exempted from the disciplines of TRIMS.
14. The following issues are of special concern to LDCs:
uma. Implementation of all the provisions dealing with transfer of technology to LDCs, in particular article 66.2, TRIPs, by providing the necessary incentives.
b. WTO members should conduct a review and monitoring process, so as to ensure a full and effective implementation of article 66.2 of TRIPs;
c. Access to medicines and TRIPs: LDCs reaffirm the flexibility contained in the TRIPS agreements whereby nothing should preclude the right for members to take actions in a way that allows for easy access to medicines to combat communicable diseases in particular HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria;
d. The transitional period for LDCs should be extended to match their capacity to implement and benefit from the TRIPs Agreement, based upon an assessment of technological capacity of LDCs by the year 2006.
e. Reaffirmation of the flexibility embodied in the TRIPs Agreement.
15. Transitional period provided for in Article 20 of the Agreement on Customs Valuation should be extended in order to allow them to acquire the necessary technical assistance and expertise to implement the agreement, without thereby affecting their comparative advantages.
16. LDCs should also be allowed to continue their reservation concerning minimum values for a longer period.
Anti-dumping and countervailing actions.
17. As LDCs are neither able to defend their industries against dumped and subsidized imports nor to protect the legitimate interests of their exporters, simplified procedures for taking anti-dumping and anti-subsidy actions should be devised for the use of LDCs.
uma. The "best endeavour" provisions of Article 15 of the Agreement on Anti-Dumping (AAD) need to be operationalized so as to impart stability to the initiatives undertaken to improve market access for LDCs.
b. An agreed interpretation of Article 5:8 of the AAD to raise the threshold for the volume of imports from LDCs from 3 per cent to 7 per cent, and exempting them from cumulation.
c. An agreed interpretation of Article 27:10 of the ASCM to increase the threshold for imports from LDCs from 4 per cent to 10 per cent and exempting them from cumulation.
18. LDCs should be exempted from all safeguards actions. LDCs that are implementing safeguard actions should be exempted from undertaking compensatory measures.
19. The current negotiations on agriculture and trade in services are mandated under the "Built-In Agenda" of the Agreement on Agriculture and General Agreement on Trade in Services. The TRIPs Agreement also has its own built-in agenda in the form of reviews of specific provisions.
20. In order for LDCs to bring closer the reform process to their developmental concerns and to capitalize on trading opportunities, the following actions are required:
uma. Article 15.2 of the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) should be maintained, so as to ensure that LDCs shall not be required to undertake reduction commitments on domestic support, export competition policies, and market access throughout the agricultural reform process.
b. Undertake steps towards immediate abolition of export subsidies for agricultural products which are of particular export interest to LDCs, within the special sessions of the Committee on Agriculture before the review of the Second Phase in March 2002.
c. Immediately implement bound duty-free and quota-free market access conditions to exports of LDCs, which will cover all agricultural products in their primary, semi-processed and processed forms. Such market access opportunities to LDCs should be accompanied with elimination of non-tariff barriers against LDC exports in order to ensure genuine trade growth in LDCs.
d. Establish a consultative group, within relevant Committees, which will: receive requests from LDCs for technical and financial assistance in the areas of SPS and TBT; assess each request to identify the types of technical/financial assistance that will best meet its purposes; and identify possible donor(s).
e. Introduce a fast-track dispute settlement mechanism for cases involving LDCs, and, where appropriate, enable quick compensation for trade losses incurred by an LDC as a result of trade measures found to be inconsistent with the SPS and the TBT Agreements.
f. Introduce contractual and operational provision under the TRIPs which will facilitate LDCs' access to appropriate agricultural technologies and practices.
g. Any new commitments and measures for LDCs should ensure coherence between Bretton-Woods conditionality and the WTO commitments.
h. Set up an inter-agency revolving fund, comprising of existing and new financing facilities as appropriate, to facilitate adequate financing at concessional terms for LDCs and NFIDCs in times of high world market prices; technical and financial assistance to LDCs and NFIDCs to improve their agricultural productivity and infrastructure, in addition to the regular bilateral and multilateral activities of donors in this area; review and monitoring at the regular meetings of the Committee on Agriculture of the implementation of the provisions of technical and financial assistance by bilateral and multilateral donors; provision of food aid, through the Food Aid Convention or otherwise, wholly in grant form in years of high world market prices without attachment of trade conditions.
Eu. Trade and production distorting domestic support measures in developed countries should substantially and progressively reduced during the course of the reform programme.
Trade in Services.
21. As far as LDCs are concerned the following areas are of special interest to them:
uma. The structure of the GATS should be preserved, particularly the "positive" list approach, which enables them to select the sectors, sub - sectors and mode of supply where they make commitments;
b. Special priority shall be given to liberalization of market access in sectors and modes of supply of export interest of LDCs, especially in tourism, transport and construction;
c. The negotiations in the area of emergency safeguard measures should permit LDCs to set out the conditions under which governments can differentiate as between foreign and domestically owned enterprises operating in their territories;
d. The negotiations should aim at achieving a further liberalization of movement of persons (mode 4) for LDCs on a sectoral basis and addressing issues that are impeding their market access including issuance of visas, administrative procedures and lack of transparency, economic needs tests;
e. Tourism services sector is of immediate export interest to LDCs. In order to ensure trade in this sector is taking place in a fair and competitive environment, necessary multilateral measures for disciplining anti-competitive practices in the tourist originating countries may be required.
f. LDCs should receive recognition and credit for their autonomous liberalization.
uma. Regarding Article 27.3b, the review process should clarify that plants, animals and parts of plants and animals, including gene sequences and biological processes for the production of plants, animals and their parts, must not be granted patents. A provision should be incorporated to the effect that patents must not be granted without prior consent of the country of origin of products referred to in the paragraph above. It should be also clarified that Members have the option to select their own sui generis system (appropriate national system of protection) for plant variety protection, including recognizing traditional knowledge and the rights of farmers to use, save and exchange seeds. The sui generis system can also be in line with the OAU model law on community rights and biodiversity, the Convention on Bio-diversity and the FAO's International Undertaking:
b. Essential drugs included in the WHO list should be excluded from patentability.
c. On geographical indications, the mandated review of 24.2 of TRIPS should encompass the extension of the protection to other products than wines and spirits.
d. LDCs should be provided with access to genetic resources.
e. There is need for legal instruments for the protection of intellectual property on genetic and biological resources, traditional knowledge and folklore.
23. Cumbersome and time consuming procedures as well as lack of clear and objective rules and disciplines for accession negotiations pose serious difficulties for LDCs that are seeking accession. Therefore, within the spirit of the commitments undertaken in the Programme of Action for the LDCs for the decade 2001-2010 adopted at the Third United Nations Conference on LDCs, a ministerial Decision should be adopted in Doha aimed at supporting the efforts of all LDCs seeking to accede to WTO which should include the following principles:
· The automatic recognition of the status of acceding LDCs, and to facilitate the LDCs accession process by WTO members, on the basis of terms that take into account their stage of development, the Uruguay Round Decision on Measures in Favour of Least Developed Countries and on the basis of special and differential treatment;
· Ensuring that the accession process is more effective and less onerous for LDCs and tailored to their specific economic conditions, taking into consideration LDCs' limited administrative capacities;
· Streamlining procedures and documentation required, minimizing the number of working party and bilateral meetings, consolidating, reducing and expediting Members' exchanges with LDC applicants to a manageable level;
· LDCs should not be subjected to obligations or commitments that go beyond what is applicable to WTO LDC members;
· Establishing clear, simplified and fast-track procedures for the accession of LDCs that are not yet members of the WTO;
· Providing for automatic eligibility of all acceding LDCs for all provisions on special and differential treatment in existing WTO agreements including the same and unconditional transitional periods as stipulated in the respective Agreement for LDCs, counted from the date of accession;
· In view of LDCs' special economic situation and their development, financial and trade needs, WTO members should exercise restraint, in seeking concessions in the bilateral accession negotiations on market access for goods and services in keeping with the letter and spirit of the provisions of the Ministerial Decision on Measures in Favour of the Least Developed Countries;
· WTO members should seek no commitments and/or obligations from an acceding LDC as a condition for its accession, on membership in the Plurilateral Trade Agreements and acceptance of optional sectoral market access, other optional legal instruments of the GATT 1994 or any other WTO Agreements;
· Provide adequate and predictable technical, financial and other assistance to LDCs for their accession process, including institutional as well as capacity building in human resources.
Capacity building and Technical Assistance.
24. Capacity building is at the core of needs from the LDCs in their efforts to fully and effectively integrate into the world economy and the multilateral trading system and should therefore be at the core of the WTO multilateral agreements, taking into account full participation by government, private sector and civil society, as well as mainstreaming trade into the poverty eradication strategies. Pursuant to this, LDCs urge WTO members to adopt a Ministerial Decision on capacity building and technical assistance in favour of LDCs. Such Decision should focus and agree inter alia on the following urgent actions:
· Strengthening negotiating capacities of the LDCs as an essential element in integrating these countries into the multilateral trading system.
· Strengthening technical assistance for the implementation of multilateral trade agreements in order for LDCs to exercise their rights under the Agreement and exploit the trading opportunities and making such technical assistance an integral part of commitments to be taken in future trade agreements;
· Implementing expeditiously and effectively the Integrated Framework for Trade related Technical Assistance in favour of all LDCs, and encourage new and additional resources and contributions to the Trust Fund and ensure greater transparency in its implementation including the selection of beneficiary countries, as well as ensuring that comparative advantages of participating organizations are fully taken into account in the implementation process;
· Urging for a significant increase in the WTO, UNCTAD and ITC, regular budget provisions to enable planning and programming for technical assistance as well as agreeing to an increase in the regular budgets of the other IF core agencies to provide for a stable and predictable funding for the implementation of the IF;
· Urging for an increase in the extra-budgetary resources for UNCTAD to carry out in a full and effective manner the technical assistance and capacity-building activities on WTO and trade-related issues;
· Ensuring that the implementation of the Integrated Framework is regularly monitored and reviewed with regular reports by the Chairman of Integrated Framework Steering Committee so as to determine if the trade-related capacity building needs of the LDCs are being addressed and that they achieve satisfactory results for enhancing their capacity to participate in the multilateral trading system.
· Providing technical assistance and capacity-building programmes for LDCs, in order to address the supply side constraints including information and communication technology ( ICT), for them to take advantage of trade opportunities identified through the mainstreaming process;
· Technical assistance should be provided to increase participation and negotiating capacity of LDCs in regional trade arrangements as a step to better participate in multilateral trade negotiations and achieve coherent negotiating objectives.
· Develop the capacity of the private sector, civil society and the research and training institutions to enable them to formulate constructive proposals on the context and the implementation of trade policies that will reflect strategies for poverty reduction.
Trade and investment.
25. In approaching the question of possible negotiations on trade and investment, an important point to note is that least developed countries are not demandeurs of a multilateral framework in this area. The implications for development of a multilateral investment agreement, of whatever type, have not been fully discussed nor understood. Hence the study process where work is going on in the working group has to continue. However, in any future work in this area, it is necessary to ensure that the outcome will contribute to facilitating investment flows to least developed countries while preserving their policy space and flexibility to pursue national development objectives geared to deriving maximum contribution of such flows to the achievement of these objectives.
Trade and competition policy.
26. As the discussions in the Working Group on Trade and Competition Policy have not yet been completed, it is important to finalize the working groups deliberations prior to any decision whether to formally introduce this issue on any future negotiation agenda. This is particularly valid as most LDCs:
· do not have competition policy, laws and institutions in place and that, in few cases these are underdeveloped;
· lack the capacity to enforce competition law and policy; the interrelationship between competition policy and economic development is a complex one;
· have difficulties as to the complexity of the modalities for introducing anti-competitive policies in "dualistic economies", characteristic of most of them;
· need to identify the content and form of technical assistance to be provided to developing countries in order to introduce and implement competition law and policy becomes an imperative.
Trade and Environment.
27. LDCs attach importance to the ongoing discussions in the Committee on Trade and Environment with a view to resolving the issues related to the interface between trade and environment policies. They are of the view that the mandate for the current work programme should be extended and emphasize that under no circumstances should environmental considerations be used for protectionist purposes against LDCs' products.
Transparency in government procurement.
28. LDCs have yet to fully comprehend the implications of a framework on transparency in government procurement in the WTO, especially as to how it would affect social and economic development.
29. The issues involved are complex, and divergent views continue to exist on a great number of issues hence the study process in the Working Group has to continue.
30. LDCs concur with the general assessment that trade facilitation measures are necessary and beneficial and they share the view that this area does not require new rule making. Existing rules and regulations both within and outside WTO are sufficient but may require improvement and a high degree of implementation. In the context of the LDCs, improved facilitation would require increased financial and technical assistance to narrow the technology and human resources gap that exist between them and developed trade partners. Hence the study process in the Working Group should continue.


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